My dream is to be in France soon- walking the streets of Paris, gazing in the shop windows, eating at Laduree and making day trips to Versailles and Vaux le Vicomte chateau shown above.
I am sure this dream will come true soon. I am a traveler, I want to see so many places and meet the people, eat the local foods, discover the cultural differences. I need to travel to fulfill my love of learning and experiencing new things. Some people have no desire to go further than their own back door and that works for them. I want my passport to be filled with stamps from different countries.
The one country that I never get enough of is France. I am a true Francophile! I am French in my heart and feel alive and joyful when I am lucky enough to visit that beautiful country. France is my second country. French people, for the most part, like Americans. They may not always agree with our political views or government but they like us as individuals. I have experience many kind actions on their part.
So my reve (dream) is to be in France in summer soon. What is your dream?
Have a PINK day!