Thursday, December 31, 2009
Favorite spot

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Year-Bonne Annee

Monday, December 28, 2009
After Christmas blues...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Pagodas here and there
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My Christmas House
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The best Christmas gift this year
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Can you be homesick for a place you never lived?

Monday, December 21, 2009
Swans and simplicity
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Bedroom serenity
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Les Girls et Joyeux Noel

I have my own version of Les Girls- three beautiful Maltese- I have a mother and daughter Simone-Marie and Sophie-Marie and another one Sydney-Marie. They love to have adventures, go places , go for stroller rides in their pink dog stroller and all time favorite activity is opening Christmas and Birthday gifts. We had another Maltese Zsa Zsa for 15 years and she learned to open gifts from Mother-in-laws dog Muffy. She taught next Maltese and so on . They caught on really fast when they opened their presents that first time. I wrap them in pretty holiday tissue so they can tear into it easily. It is so fun on Christmas day to watch them. We refer to them as the girls( Les Girls in French) and they lead a pampered life. I like that their skin is pink and they are all white ( Maltese are always all white) and we decided to get a dog when we were in Paris the first time. We saw all these Parisians with their tiny dogs and sometimes not tiny dogs going everywhere and we loved it.
So I always associate my girls with Paris because that pushed us to getting our first Maltese baby. My girls all love pink and have many pink accessories and blankets and toys. they are sturdier and smarter than many people expect- just because they are tiny doesn't mean they aren't just as smart as a big dog.
I am not the only one counting the days till Christmas in this house
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ooh la la- a vanity table
I have indulged my inner-French diva on the vanity table! Using a vanity forces one to slow down and make a ritual of the act of preparing to go into the world. It is an intimate part of your bed room and an intimate process of adorning oneself with make up and scent and possible jewelry too.
Claudia Strasser-blogger, shop owner, tour guide,and author, is compiling a book of photos of women's vanity tables - it will be called in book form Vanities for Humanity and proceeds will go to Habitat for Humanity. I can't wait to see the book. Her name is familiar because she wrote The Paris Apartment and opened a NY shop of the same name.The new book will be a peek into another world. No wonder painters in Marie-Antoinette's time painted her at her vanity.
That wonderful movie from 1980's Dangerous Liaisons had several great vanity scenes. How I would have loved to go back in time and witness this dressing process.
So make a little area for a vanity and relax and enjoy the process- look at your treasures and recall the person or place that comes to mind.Living in the moment also connects you to the past.Thursday, December 17, 2009
More ideas re Monogram
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Mad for Monograms
I love my monogram. I copied Marie Antoinette's --if she loved it who am I not to love it too?
So now I look for ways to use this lovely piece of artwork. I have it on stationery and on linen. Next will be to use it on an iron gate I am going to have made for the garden. I can see those pretty curved letters in the center of black iron work and it will be a grand entrance to my tiny walled garden.
I also will be monograming the backs of my formal silver flatware pattern. So I will set the table French-style with the backs facing upwards--better to see my pretty monogram. I saw the MA monogram on a doorknob in Versailles.
This photo of the monogram came from the wonderful book The Private Realm of Marie Antoinette by Boyer and Halard. That book is one of my favorite books ever. Leave it to the French to take an everyday object and make it so lovely. The artists of that time also incorporated the Queen's dog on a chair arm!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all have items made to order in that manner? Bliss.
Of course my Petit Trianon china by Raynaud comes with it on several of the pieces if you ask for it when you order.
Other ideas rolling around in my thoughts are using it on the top of an anniversary cake and making a boxwood monogram for the garden-- that would be so fun- It would take awhile for it to fill in I'd use the tiny leaf slow growing boxwood-- I want to explore this further.
Monograms are fun especially now with all the new printing and laser techniques- I will have to dream about these applications some more.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Longing for Peonies
Laduree and tea
A real treat for me is having a cup of tea ( I like the Marie Antoinette blend) in my Petite Trianon demitasse cup ( Raynaud china ) . I use the wrapped sugar from Fauchon ( too bad Fauchon closed their shop in NY city) for my tea. The French do not use the loose sugar we use here.
Since my monogram is that of Marie Antoinette and this china was her traveling china that had her monogram on it I just love having it-makes it extra special and it has enough pink in the pattern to make it pink enough for my pink world.
In this hurry up busy world it is still a civilized pleasure to stop for a few minutes each afternoon and have a cup of tea and catch your breath. You can pretend to be in Paris.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Seeing a ton of gifts for other people under the tree makes me so happy- since most of my friends live far away I take special care to find pretty things or to make them something I know they will use or want.
One of the blogs I follow is A Gift Wrapped Life- a real inspiration for people who love to gift wrap and love pretty design. I would love to meet the wonderful Sande Chase and have a peek into her amazing wrap room/area.
I was looking at some old family photos of myself as a baby and in each picture I see baby me having a bath, another one opening Christmas presents under the tree.And I thought wow I still like to do those very same things simple things that mean so much. So for me, the art or the beauty is in the details of those simple things- wrapping the gifts with special ribbon or a trinket, having my bath with scented bubbles and a glass of wine or listening to music I love.
Elevating the everyday to a little nicer than it has to be. Making the everyday into a beautiful ritual- to slow down and live in the moment.
Take the time to really look at the task at hand and try to make it more meaningful. Which brings me back to my love of the Asian and the French influences --both cultures seem to be really adept at taking the everyday and making it special, or of high quality.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
An Asian Christmas
Etsy is a great source for vintage and handmade items of all styles in all media. My little origami trees were not expensive and arrived via mail in perfect condition.
My dream would be to have several homes or apartments and be able to do all the styles I love. My one origami tree is made with the Japanese paper that depicts cherry blossoms-so it is pink that tree is in master bedroom the one with the crane paper is in formal living room. I love to have fun with little design elements like this.
Anyone know how to say Merry Christmas in Japanese?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
So tonight I am wrapping up the last of the presents for my girl friends and talking to my chatty cat Miss Charlotte Moss. She chose me as her person-jumped in my car one cold February day. A very friendly cat -she greets visitors and likes to be complimented on her bows that I make her. She is currently wearing a holiday bow.
I can't show you any of the pink gifts --I don't want to spoil any one's surprise. Miss Moss is mum on this also.
I also attended a home tour for the Peachtree Garden Club - a total of four homes in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. All of them were a real feast for the eyes- so many stunning trees and holiday garlands.
Happy holiday shopping !
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Organize your life and do it in color
However, even my tidy little heart can't be happy unless it is neat and PRETTY usually pink pretty.
Costume jewelry can get messey quickly so I store some in jewelry box with the better things and some that I wear often I put in pretty containers and trays so it is neat but looks good too.
The black jars used to hold this powder and bubble bath powder from France called Pavlova and the company is gone now. I am glad I kept the jars I use them daily.
Even our closets for storing holiday decorations are neat and pretty. I found great pink plastic tubs at Walmart last summer and they have then in again now. They also have pretty green and lavender ones in case you are not a pink girl.
In my small and stuffed closet I use the tubs for storage of handbags and paper goods and I am nerdy enough to save pretty boxes and bags and use them in the closet and it makes me happy to see them and remember my time shopping at that particular shop.
So if it pretty or from a posh shop don't throw the bag or box away- I see vintage shopping bags or designer bags on line for sale. Even your closet should be pretty--and pink
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pink birds
Something about pagodas and cabbages and pink peonies and Laduree pink boxes are very appealing to me. Over the years I have collected many items that fall into my" obsession" category--this birdcage is one.
I hope Kitty and Cici are happy they seem to be. Bourke's parakeets are also fairly quiet birds no scratchy noises just sweet chirps and they love to dance for my cat and they love the noise the hoover makes and the sound of running water. Kitty was here before we got our cat. The neighbor kids think it is funny that we have a bird named Kitty and a cat named Charlotte Moss. ( after the wonderful interior designer) and Kitty was named after a Tolstoy character in Anna Karennia.
So no partridge in a pear tree at my pink house but pink birds -- I've got them.
Monday, December 7, 2009
How pink do you want to go?
For me, using pink everyday objects just makes my daily life more fun. No one needs a pink potato peeler but Kitchen Aid makes a great one. I was so thrilled about 7-8 years ago when Kitchen Aid came out with all the pink items for breast cancer fundraising. I think I have every item. Hardest thing to find was the pink toaster.
I am probably the only person who goes to Europe or UK and brings back rolls of pink toilet paper- I bring back a lot to tide me over between trips. One customs agent really thought that was strange and really looked at it all -maybe he thought I had drugs inside the rolls?
Think of your favorite color and how it makes you feel--do you have items that you could buy in your favorite color? Life is so short and so stressful make yourself and others happy with simple things like color and good fragrances and organization in your home and work environment.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas pink and other hues
Of of my favorite spaces is my tiny library ( our fourth bedroom) which is full of a burnt apricot color and this year I did a whimsical tree out of the curley willow branches I have in a vase up there. Just added some cute cloisonne fish and instant Japanese Christmas tree.
More Christmas posts to follow keep checking in as I get the hang of blogging .
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pink Christmas
My neighbors thought I was crazy back then ( and possibly still think that) with my swans and pink tulle on the tree.
Most years I do smaller trees unless we are having company or a big party. It is also very important aesthecially to coordinate the wrapping paper with the tree colors. Thus, I have different trees in different rooms. Not all are pink.
The tree shown is full of dried flowers from my garden- mainly peonies and pink berry.
Miss Charlotte Moss our wonderful girl ( named after the lovely Charlotte Moss the designer) loves to sit and gaze at the twinkle lights on the mantel and on the trees. She never bothers the ornamentsjust content to look.
Please allow me time to learn how to blog I am not a whiz at this at all.
Off to festoon some other area of the house.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Peony pink tree
I love Christmas and of course, part of my holiday always is pink !! I rotate trees and this year have chosen to put up two smaller pink decorated trees with dried peonies from my garden and other dried elelments.
When I started doing my pink life about 30 years ago it was really hard to find anything home related or Christmas related that was pink. We've come a long way since then!
I will post some photos soon
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Welcome to my pink world
Pink has always been my favorite color so wearing pink and collecting pink things was just easy and fun. Then people began to give me pink things and associate me with that color. I can truly say it makes me happy to see pink and I think some studies on color theory have shown that pink is calming.
Join me on future posts to see what I mean by "pink living". I also have some things that I adore and am drawn to again and again--pagoda shapes, Paris, peonies, pastry, cabbages, chinoiserie, Maltese dogs too and white animals. Gardening (with pink flowers bien sur) is also a major passion and ballet and dance in general. Only with a pink spin!
Have a PINK day!