Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Happy dreams for 2011

Fete? Party for the new year? Not me-- just going to relax, look at photos, drink a glass of champagne with Pink Boy and reflect upon the past year and turn towards the future.
White Cat, my friend and neighbor, looks pensive doesn't she? Even cats look inward and relax before beginning the new year.
Pink dreams filling my head with happy thoughts.
Have a Pink day!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Madame de Pompadour

Today in 1721 was the birth of the baby girl who would become mistress of the King of France, patron of the arts, champion of Voltaire and a political power broker. Known formally as the Marquese de Pompadour, a title given by the King this pretty woman set her sights on her King and became his soul mate.
In Nancy Mitford's biography ( the best ever written) we learn so much about the era and the royal court as we do about Jeanne Poisson. To me Madame de Pompadour is as interesting a figure as Marie Antoinette.
Have a Pink day!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A fun time for Lola and Sydney-Marie

Everyone had a fun time opening their gifts and running around with the tissue paper. We had a white Christmas this year! A first in a long time for metro Atlanta. Lola and Sydney-Marie are getting along well . Simone-Marie is 13 now and she just watches the frenzy. Miss Moss stayed in her bassinet through all the present opening. She had her big pink bow on-- see her peeking over the sofa!
Have a Pink day!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Yorkies love a Merry Pinkmas!

All dogs love the holidays and love getting gifts. Miss Lola really had a bountiful holiday!! She got the most gifts. I guess it was because she was such a good girl and she brought his mom so much joy these last 6 months. This was her holiday outfit. She got new toys and new outfits
I posed her in front of my small tree I made. With all the Misfit Toys I have collected. She is not a misfit she is a perfect fit.
Have a Pink day!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The day after

Come join me for a cup of tea. The tea cart is already set up. I want to show you what I gave some of my girlfriends this year. Each one got a different one made just for her- in colors other than pink and with fabrics and/or buttons I sent to Roberta. The gifts are sachets that the talented Roberta makes. I "met" her throught Sandy Foster's blog My Shabby Streamside Studio. One of Roberta's sachets was hanging from a doorknob in a picture on that blog.
Aren't they pretty? I hope my friends liked them. I like to give handmade or personalized gifts if I can.
Have a Pink day!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Pinkmas

Have a wonderful day. Merry Pinkmas!
Happy Pink Saturday please go to How Sweet the Sound to see other pink blog posts.This is the pink card I sent out this year. It is my tree topper on our large swan tree. Swan topper made by Over the Top Studios. Link to the right.
One of my gifts this year was meeting so many nice people in blog land.Have a PINK day!
Pink Sat,
Pinkmas holiday card,
swan topper,
swan tree
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve

Santa should be coming any time now! I have the cookies and candy ready for him on the plate that looks like him. I am sure he will like that! Sometimes I leave a glass of wine or cocoa too. I got these amazing snowflake cookies from a new pastry shop in Marietta called Canvas. ( No, I do not get anything for promoting them) They are by the hospital and open everyday except Sunday. They also have great breakfasts and cater.
The pink tulle tree is my ebay find from Rosemarie Porzi. J'adore. Her Ebay ID is bellareddoby
I am going to go to sleep early and hope Santa brings everyone their heart's desire this year-- especially those who are serving our nation in Middle East.
Have a PINK day!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Pink holiday wrap

I have been doing pink holiday wrapping for a long time. Or using pink with red sometimes. This year I wanted pink, white and silver.Why not wrap your gifts in your favorite colors?
Christmas comes in all colors! I bought wrap and used a custom stamp I had made (lots of stamp making places on line) that says," Merry Pinkmas". I just stamped on top of the paper and I can use it on tissue and bags too. Many times I find the pink papers at Container Store, Hallmark, art supply stores. I am always on lookout for pretty wrapping papers.
My friends joke that they know right away who gave them the pink gift!
Have a Pink day!
pink gift wrap,
pinkmas stamp,
silver pink and white
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
More holiday decorations in my pink life

I like to make some of my own decorations. I made two table top trees with dried flowers and pepperberries that I use every year. I just refresh them with newer dried peonies that I dry from my own plants.
I also like to do little vignettes around the house, like the ornaments in glass bowls I posted earlier. This year I hung ornaments from the dining room chandelier. Making my own gift tags with glitter edges was also fun.
I also did this little ballet shoe under glass. The shoes were from a favorite dancer who used to be in the Cleveland ballet company.
I love fake snow but can't use too much because of the girls. Sometimes they eat before they realize it is not good for them.
Have a Pink day!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Lola's Holiday dress

Lola loves to dress up! She loves to pose for photos. Here she is in her Christmas dress all ready to party! She looks like a little toy under the small tree I made.
Lola has more presents under the tree than anyone else!! She is such a joy for my mother-in-law who has her with her in assisted living. Do you have a fur baby that likes to dress up?
Have a Pink day!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Winner of Merry Pinkmas and blog anniversary is...

And the winner is---- Deb Miss Bee from North Carolina! Pink Boy drew your name out of the pink mixing bowl. Thanks everyone for leaving comments.
Here is your prize I will mail it out today. Please email me your home address.I hope you enjoy it and merci for being a reader of my blog. Wish I could give gifts to everyone. My first year of blogging has been so much fun!
Have a Pink day!
Santa letters

The girls have all written their Santa letters, Sydney-Marie and Simone-Marie mainly want treats and tummy rubs. Charlotte Moss, our wonderful Maine Coon kitty, wants more bow necklaces and a feather toy. The pink Bourke parakeets Chanel and Cici just asked for sunshine and harp music to be played more often around the house. They posted their letter in the Santa mailbox.
On most days the girls are all good. Sydney-Marie is naughty sometimes--she is jealous of other girls. When I pet Simone she will act up or rip Simone's bow off her head! Then I scold her and she puts herself in time out behind the chair in family room! too funny
Have a Pink day!
letters to Santa,
Maltese jealous,
Santa visit
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Marie Antoinette tree and final day for give away

Michael's Crafts

Paulette of Paper Nosh

Masks by Over the Top Studio.

Here is my newest tree. Do you think the Queen would be pleased? It was a fun project. The lovely tags are from Paper Nosh--La Pink Paperie and the monogram resin ornaments are another of Paulette's creations a step away from the original monogram idea. The tree has swans and pink ornaments, tiny silver glitter carriages, pearls and of course Marie Antoinette's head atop it all! Sugar Cookie head, pink glitter wreathsand beaded ornaments and pearls from Michael's, swan ornaments from JoAnn's Holiday Frivolities blog.Here is the link to her shop
http://www.etsy.com/shop/holidayfrivolitiesI already have ideas to add a few more things next year! I made a few pink cones of paper and filled the with small pink ornaments. My small hand fan collection and a portrait of Marie Antoinette rest under the tree.
If you want to enter the contest to win the book I showed in yesterday's post please leave a comment below. I will draw a name on Dec 20th.
Have a PINK day!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Merry Pinkmas and one year of blogging give away

It has been just over a year, and over 380 posts! Happy Pink Saturday please visit the link to Beverly's blog How Sweet the Sound to view other pink posts.
I got this wonderful book of watercolor drawings of Versailles when I was there this past June. The artist is Valerie Bajou. (Go to late June and July posts for lots of photos of Versailles and Paris) It is very charming and I am giving one away. To enter your name in the give away just post a comment below or a comment on tomorrow's post, to get a second chance join as a follower (and tell me that when you leave a comment) I will draw a name December 20th
I am also giving including a copy of the Creating Vintage Charm magazine which features my fellow blogger Sandy Foster's studio. Click on My Shabby Streamside Studio to the right.
The small tree above is made with all the dried peonies and hydrangea from my garden. I also had a Merry Pinkmas stamp made and used it on pink wrapping paper for my holiday wrap.
Have a PINK day!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Swan tree part II

I love my big pink swan tree. I usually do yards of tulle around the tree but Pink Boy was too tired to do it. So a simpler tree this year. I have been hanging prisms and ropes of chandelier glass on the tree for about 25 years now.
The pretty cone was a gift from a sorority sister years ago. She made it for me. It is one I treasure. I wanted to do a banner like the one I saw in PB catalog theirs was too rustic for me. I searched high and low for someone to make it how complicated it all became. I almost gave up. Then I stopped in at Kinkos and in less than a day I had my banner. It is a bit wider than I wanted but I may tweek it next year. Sometimes you go around the barn a few times before you find the cow! Ha
Have a PINK day!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Swan topper
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My very pink holiday

This pink Santa sits near our big tree and presides over our world of holiday pinkness! He is a very rosey fellow indeed.
I decided this year to go really pink this holiday season and I love it. Pink Boy loves it andmy girlfriends love it.
More pinkness to come.
Have a PINK day!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Some times you feel like a Nut cracker!

Are the holidays making you feel like a nut? Some days I feel a bit dizzy by all there is to do! I like to do the holidays in a big way-- activities, parties, decorating, baking all so fun and sometimes dizzying.
This is a photo by Lisa Voll-- this is the white Nutcracker that I want to find. He has some glitter on him. Would look good in my bedroom. Isn't this party scrumptious! I always have pink parties and I would have loved one like this as a child.
Have a PINK day!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Nothing makes me feel so safe at Christmas as these
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Glue and glitter

I feel like all I do is glue and glitter. I am not complaining. There is glitter everywhere in my house! I just spray painted something and put glitter on it. Pink Boy asked me the other day- "What color will you spray paint this?" --holding up the item-- I just rolled my eyes and said, "What color do I almost always spray paint anything?"--duh--- white! Especially at Christmas time everything is white.
I miss seeing snow but I do not miss driving on it.
Here is my version on mistletoe in my pink house ! Mistletoe is poison to animals so I don't use the real thing. We still kiss under this.
Have a PINK day!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Pink and green door swag Merry Pinkmas!

Once again, only more so, I am doing a mainly pink Christmas- -wrapping in pink papers, ornaments on 4 of our trees are mainly pink and I have decided to call it all Merry Pinkmas!!
I just made my door wreath with some fresh greens from the nursery. Since all my indoor trees are artificial I use fresh greens on the fireplaces and outside door. Just love that scent of the season.
It is PINK Saturday again please go to Beverly's How Sweet the Sound blog to see other pink posts.http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
I will be posting a lot of Christmas decorations/trees all month long so check back. My blog is very pink almost all of the time!Using my glue gun I simply glued the ornaments to the swag and to each other. I took 2 swags and placed one atop the other and wired them together to get a very full swag. I hung a huge drapery tassel behind my pink and green creation and made some paper embellishments on my printer on pink paper, of course, using song titles and sheet music that have pink in the title. This took about 45 minutes to put together. Much more fun than sitting on the sofa watching junk on TV.
Have a PINK day!
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