Happy Pink Saturday and welcome to my very pink happy post!As a child I was sort of reserved- - I am basically a shy person even now. My childhood consisted of reading a lot and playing with my dolls and a doll house I made out of an old steel bathroom cabinet. There were not a lot of kids to play with in my neighborhood so I retreated into my own world of play and imagination.
One of my favorite books is The Lonely Doll by Dare Wright. It is still in print. I wanted the Edith doll so much. Dare had purchased a Lenci felt doll and changed her and named her Edith and Edith had many adventures in her books all photographed in black and white by Dare herself. Dare, as I have read about her as an adult, had an odd life and was an enigma.
In 1997 a doll company called Haut Milton made 750 felt Edith dolls so very like the one in the books. I wanted one so badly. She wears pink gingham and the cover of the first book was a pink gingham cover also.
Well, finances in 1997 would not allow me to buy Edith and the 750 dolls quickly went to new homes. I even wrote years later to Haut Milton asking them to make a few more- -no answer.
I searched EBay and doll sites for her all the time. And a few weeks ago I found her !! A brand new in the box Edith!! A doll store owner bought two in 1997 and held on to this one to sell. I wanted her so much.
Everyday I would look at the web site photos. I mentioned this to Pink Boy and he just laughed at me, "No way would I ever pay that much for a doll!" Edith has gone way up, up in price like a blue chip stock!! I was contemplating calling the doll shop and asking if I could put her on layaway and pay her off very slowly.
A few days ago Pink Boy said he had my anniversary gift early and no place to store it--too big he said. He asked do I want it early? I said OK. The box when he brought it in was not so big --"Oh, I misjudged the size" says Pink Boy. I thought it was an Ipad in a big box. It was Edith nestled in her pink gingham box!! I have cried so much no tears left.
I am so,so happy to have her finally after all these years. I will treasure her forever. What a wonderful gift!
Happy Pink Saturday to all readers please click on Beverly's link here: http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/06/so-just-what-is-pink-saturday.htmlShe is thinking already of Christmas also.
And visit some other blogs with a PINK theme today!
Have a PINK day!