I don't think I am imagining things but the world seems to be getting pinker all the time!! I don't think it is just because I adore pink that I am noticing it more often--I truly feel it is pinker. I couldn't be happier. Here is a pink and white tutu window display in Paris at Repetto. It was one of the first photos I took this trip. I have all my spots and shops I must visit and I really felt the impact of PINK in the city this time.
I have so much to share and so many photos to put on as we catch up. I hope you had a wonderfully pink week while I was away. Every time I am in Paris I am always amazed by the style all around me-- from the windows to the way they set a table, to the way food is presented, to the way they tie their scarfs! It would be impossible to live in Paris and not have some of this rub off on you. Visit Claudia's blog My Paris Apartment ( click on name at right) to read her observations. I agree 100% with her. The French are helpful, stylish, lower key, and love to present whatever they do with flair.
As I catch up on my daily routine here I will be getting ready to share more of my latest Paris visit. I just kept seeing pink and more pink all over the city.
Have a PINK day!
Devine - it gives me the inspiration for a crown. Thanks for sharing!!!