Friday, February 11, 2011

A Valentine surprise...almost

Framed with a bow by Frameworks Gallery in Marietta I love the case
A fan makes a wonderful Valentines gift it depicts love and pleasure

My surprise that came a bit early. I love his PINK suit and his hair bow

Who's wooing who? Notice the rosebuds on the sticks!!

Little details mean a lot to a fan collector. Silk is mostly hand painted

Please join me in Show and Tell Friday go to My Romatic Home to see other fun posts.

My small collection of folding fans is such a delight to me. I love looking at them and learning about fans and how they were used. They were used very much in courting and that is so perfect for a Valentine present

I went to a local frame shop and found a wonderful fan case for my other new/old folding fan that I bought last month on line. Pink Boy said ,"Don't frame that one. I was going to get you another one that you showed me for your Valentine's Day gift. So I went back to framer retrieved my fan that I bought and waited for this one to arrive. It is lovely and even older than one I was able to afford. I love the colors in this one also and the etching on the sticks.

My "Valentine gift fan" also shows a courting scene out in nature --a common theme of many fans. The antique dealer also sent it in a lovely old fan box that I will keep.

So I ruined the "surprise" but I still love the gift and the fact that Pink Boy had actually planned ahead and had chosen such a thoughtful gift. I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day and some sweet stories to share.

Have a Pink day!


  1. The fan frame is beautiful and what a lovely Valentine's Day gift!

  2. I love pink days! The fan is so pretty!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Thanks for joining my Friday Pretties. These are Gorgeous fans!

  4. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Ohhh! These fans are fabulous!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  5. I DO love the history and language of fans!! A dear friend has one from the 17th century, in a frame much like yours.

    Thank you for inviting me to join you for this lovely visit!


  6. They are so lovely and would be wonderful to collect.

  7. Your fan is lovely, and makes for a great post.

  8. Have loved fans since a child ... yours is aesome, love the frame.

    Happy Valentine's PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  9. Your fan is sooo pretty. My girl, now 42, has loved fans all her life. She would love your collection.
    I like your falling fairy dust...:)))
    Thanks for coming by and hope you come back soon.
