Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pink Saturday and Valentine pinkness

My Peony Passion I am besotted, bewitched, beguiled by peonies!
A Valentine gift last year I love to wrap presents!

Little nested doves for decoration

Little pink heart shaped dove boxes I made

My Valentine to You Dear Reader
I want to thank all of you for coming to visit my blog .I hope you enjoy your time here. I cherish your comments and your friendship. I have met so many lovely people through this blog.

Merci to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting another Pink Saturday. It is fun to see all the pink posts click here :

J'adore Valentine's Day. I love all the pinkness that comes with the day. I love the pink sugared soft hearts I buy and the cupcakes I will be baking for friends and children. I love sending out cards to let my friends know I think of them, miss them and love them. If it is warm enough I take the girls for a ride in their pink doggie stroller.They want a small chandelier in it like Ellen gave to Beverly Hills Housewife Lisa for Giggy to enjoy. I will have to find them one.

The little pink dove boxes and nests I made last year. Nothing hit me this year so no crafting for Valentines. The peony photos are from my garden a few years ago. I thought you would like to see some really pink peonies to help ease us through the cold.

Have a Pink day!


  1. Just lovely! the peony is breathtaking...thank you for sharing ... and look how beautiful Miss Charlotte Moss is :))

  2. Wonderful Valentine post! Have a love filed weekend!

  3. Love your post and that peony is lovely!


  4. Happy Pink Saturday Marie Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share today. I too, love peonies. My precious Grandma had a peony bush by her dining room window. She loved not only to have them on her table in a vase, but to gaze at their beauty in the morning sun. I am not sure one would grow out here in Phoenix, but I would sure love to have one. I may check with a nursery. Yours today triggered a memory in my heart. Thank you Marie sweetie.

    Now I love your heart boxes with the beautiful doves. Aren't they gorgeous. I love it when some years we create and others it is another season.

    Hope the weather is nice enough that you can take the girls out for a stroll. Our critters love to be outside.

    Happy Valentine's Day sweetie. Happy Pink Saturday and thank you for the gorgeous share today. I so enjoyed myself.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry
