Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hearts and flowers or hearts with flowers

This little heart ring box is such a treasure!! I bought one for myself and one for my baby sister( I gave it to her right before her wedding) it was hand made in Tampa area by this company called Marcela Creations . They did my big pretty hat boxes too. I believe they still do the ring boxes.

I keep my rings and sorority pin in it. Another fun pretty thing to brighten my day.I really do believe all the pink things make life fun.

Have a PINK day!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just a bagatelle Madam

The Comete d'Artois built this lovely structure on a bet with his close friend and sister-in -law Marie Antoinette. In just 63 days from start to finish it was up and a perfect little jewel. It cost 2 million livres in 1778/ I bet that is about 10 million now.

When I was there last ( it is in the Bois de Boulogne) it was rose blooming time and the park was filled with roses. A very prestigious rose festival is held there also.

It is amazing to see the structure-- it was spared during the Revolution for some reason what a blessing that was!
It is one of my favorite PINK buildings so it fits in with our Pink Saturday. Please go to Beverly's blog How Sweet the Sound to visit some other wonderful blogs joining in on Pink Saturday.
Today is my 100th post time flies when you are posting about Pink Living! What fun I have had! Please check out the archives to enjoy more pink, Paris, peonies, pastries and other passions of mine.

Have a PINK day!

Friday, February 26, 2010

PINK is for the birds!

How I love to see the birds in my garden. Waking up to their little peeps is so nice. I have many feeders in garden and ones for hummingbirds too. We get a lot of birds.

When I saw this feeder last year I had to have it. It is PINK and a fundraiser for breast cancer cure- how wonderful is that? Even birds like PINK!

My sweet tweeters love it . I am always refilling it.Sometimes in the morning when I hear them I peek out of my bedroom French door and see them at it.

I spotted a blue bird couple over the weekend. How exciting. Maybe we will have blue bird eggs in the blue bird house again!! My development used to be open farm fields so lots of blue bird fly over us still. We put out meal worms (gross but have to feed the blue birds properly) to entice them to stay around our garden.

Have a PINK day!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Any ideas creative blog readers?

I am going to decorate these ballet shoes for the Atlanta Ballet gift shop-- to raise money for the ballet.

Anyone have any creative ideas? I know I want to use ribbon and maybe some of my pearl trim.

Any help will be appreciated. You may think of something I haven't thought of. I just want them to be pretty so someone buys them.

Put on your PINK thinking caps please.

Have a PINK day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More pinkness!

This lovely tea cup pin cushion was made by Sherry at Creations from My Heart and it arrived today.

I love pin cushions and I do really use them in my crafting! I bought it because of the wonderful color of the cup-- that Pompadour rose.

She also sent me some neat paper-clip book marks--fun and useful. She knows I love pink!
Don't you think the tea cup pin cushion makes a great Mother's Day gift? I do. I aleady bought one for my mother in law--in a different color. Don't tell anyone it is another of my fun secrets.
Have a PINK day!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Miss Moss my tres jolie chatte

My beautiful girl Miss Moss was an orphan. She hung around a model home in Atlanta's Buckhead area. I went to view the home one rainy Sunday after church and she saw me and she jumped into my car. My husband didn't want another cat we had had 3 wonderful cats but we really were not looking to add to our family.

The sermon that day at church was not to forget about the homeless and less fortunate. Well, I took her out of my car and left her by the model home and drove off. Then I spent a sleepless night telling myself I was going to the devil soon for being so uncaring.

I called the model home the next day and they said she was still there and I went back and took her home--that was 11 years ago. I tried to find her owner she had been spayed and seemed well cared for but no luck.
She has been the most friendly and sweetest cat we have ever had. She loves when people come over she goes to each person for attention. She loves wearing bows especially the pink ones! She's known to wear the occasional tiara too!

I named her after my favorite interior designer and I even told Charlotte Moss about her and sent her a photo. And the lovely human Charlotte Moss said she was honored I had given her her name.
She chose me and I am glad she did!

Have a PINK day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Whats in your bag?

There is no such thing as the perfect handbag. No matter how expensive or pretty or large there is always some drawback--just like life-- perfection does not really exist.

As I was changing out my handbag yesterday I realized how many pink items were in there and I didn't even put a few in the photo! I love my pagoda tote it holds all my coupons and photos of items I want to find.

Only major thing not really pink is my check book cover-- I have had same LV one for years and years so durable I hate to change.

Again, these little pink items just seem to make my day nicer, the inside of my bag prettier. I always think I will reduce what I carry around then I do and then I needed that thing I removed so I go back to stuffing my bag with all sorts of miscellaneous items.

It is almost time to change to one of my pink on the outside handbags!! Spring is on the way for those of us in Georgia!!

Have a PINK day!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

One of my favorite places and it is PINK!

Here is one of my favorite places to dine. I really mean dine in the best sense. This restaurant is beautiful, mysterious, historic, and produces some great meals all the time.

Do you know it? It is The Pink House on Reynolds Square in Savannah, Georgia ! Atlanta has many fine dining establishments but this remains one of my top places to visit. Not only is it PINK the seafood is wonderful, their signature dessert a tulip basket filled with berries, chocolate and ice cream is divine. Next time I go I will photograph it. I usually stay at The Planters Inn, which happens to be next door, so it is a very short walk.

The Pink House is said to be haunted- many occasions of seeing the ghost. I don't know about that but maybe I will haunt it after I go who wouldn't want to hang around such a great place?

Savannah is a magical city.A city of secrets, of history, of elegance and yet there is also a bit of an undercurrent of danger. Over the last 25 years I have watched the city change-- mainly for the better. Slow economy has hurt business there and slowed the new river area development which is sad. But I hope to visit soon and add a tiny bit to the city coffers.

If you are able to go during azalea season you are in for a treat. Masses of pink white and red blooms at most of the squares and in front of many private homes. Tourism spiked up after Murder in the Garden of Good and Evil was published. For those of us on Southeast coast it is a mere 4-5 hour drive. I hope you can go soon!

Have a PINK day!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My vision of roses

I have been growing roses for over 20 years. I like the climbers and the David Austen roses and here in South we have repeat blooming roses that are very little care Knockout is their name.

My vision is to have all my wooden fencing covered in roses or clemetis. So far I have about 1/3 covered one rose just up and died one spring and then some evil pruning person just cut out another one. So I am planting more New Dawn climbers. They bloom several times and don't attract many pests.
One of my favorite stories as a child was The Secret Garden and that garden and Charleston walled gardens have influenced my fledgling garden.I think gardeners are optimists you must be to take that leap of faith plant a seed and feel that it will grow.

The garden used to have more roses but with the heat here I decided to put more bedding plants like iris and poppy and foxgloves all over the garden. There is a side path that leads to the gate and that area is partly sunny so I have another climbing New Dawn there and lots of peonies, foxgloves, herbs, lavender and saliva.

With this extended cold winter I wonder how all my beauties will respond? I think that a temperature drop is good for peony bloom. I just hope nothing else gets frozen out. Right now the pink almond trees are in bloom and some pink camellias. I am always so sad when a plant dies. I don't talk to my plants but I do feel they are alive and respond to vibes as well as sun and water so I take it hard when they die.

For now I must content myself with dreaming of roses.

Have a PINK day!

Pink Present

I just had to post this. I wrapped a birthday gift for a four year old child and made it all pink and sparkly for her. I made the gift tag and had the ribbon with the writing on it-Midori ribbon.

It is just a girly girl gift and I hope she likes the inside too!!

I love to wrap gifts. Check out the blog A Gift Wrapped Life for some great wrapping ideas and Sandee has mail order company to make your gift giving easy.

On Pink Saturday I think it is OK to do two posts . I have so much pinkness to share.

Have a PINK day!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pink Saturday!!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is PINK Saturday!! Hit the button to reach Beverly's blog and look at other blogs featuring something pink today. Most days my blog is about pink but on these PINK Saturdays it is pink to the 9th power!! Yeah Rock on Pinkness

Have a PINK day!

Snow and Zen

I love the simplicity of Asian design. I love to mix my pink, French and gilded things with Asian elements.

This is the new fish pond and the gong is on a wooden stand--very Asian in feel. There are three fat goldfish sleeping away the winter in there. When the snow hit a few days ago I was glad to get this shot. Snow always makes things look pretty and peaceful-and I think it has enhanced the serene feel of the pond.

I know spring is just around the corner so go out and

Have a PINK day!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Peonies are always at hand

I can't be without peonies for very long. So in winter I resort to a splurge now and then at the florist or sometimes Fresh Market has pretty ones flown in from some warm country.

I have bouquets in a few spots so I always see my pink peonies around the house. The little peony in a vase on my sink greets me each day.I found a use for my christening cup--it is now my tooth cup.

Most of them I buy bare root from Swenson's Nursery, Song Sparrow and White Flower Farm nurseries.I will post real blossoms in the spring.

My pink peony above in the header is one I grow. My big problem is not growing them but in labeling them. Everything I use wears away and I forget what the names are!! It truly is a pink day when my peonies are in bloom.

Have a PINK day!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More bunnies and cabbages

Here are a few more bunny friends! I love them all. When small children visit I ask them to find all the bunnies-- most eventually do but it takes them awhile!

My Katherine Houston cabbage is something I bought for myself a few years ago--her work is so beautiful.

Spring will bring me mild weather and I will get to work on my potager garden.I would love to plant some cabbages maybe around the edges of the beds?

I love recalling my Easter memories of hunting for the golden egg and getting a new dress and little white gloves to wear to church !My brothers don't have such fond memories they hated wearing suits. Hope there is peace and joy and a new outfit in your future.

Have a PINK day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cabbages and bunny rabbits

Cabbages are so French. I love the texture and colors and the neatness of them. I love them outside and inside. Bunnies are another obsession-- I doubt I will ever be able to get a real bunny so I have faux bunnies all around me. Now that Valentine's Day is over my focus is on Easter and my bunnies and my cabbages just fall right into Easter decorating.

If anyone comes across another of these bunny/ cabbage end tables let me know I'd love another one.

Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. I will give up snacking and chocolate but I can't give up my bunnies!

Have a PINK day!

Tutu dreaming

Atlanta Ballet's Cinderella is such a visual treat.It got me started thinking about tutus again! I found several photos that I didn't use in my last post about tutus ( January 6) so I unearthed them and here they are. Another shot of me with my then 7 year old Godchild Melaina-I was Odette from Swan Lake, she was a Mardi Gras Queen and Pink Boy was who else --Phantom!

The other adorable photo is of my Maltese Sydney-Marie -she is the only one of the three of them who enjoys dressing up and wearing hats etc. This was her costume last Halloween but she is known to put it on spontaneously just for a lark! So funny they are all so different. Sydney-Marie does not think she is a dog --she is a person.She loves being in the center of everything as long as there are people around.

I think I love the Maltese breed because they are smart and cute and I can dress them up and their tummies are pink!!

I hope there is a beautiful tutu in your future.

Have a PINK day!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A few hearts were broken..

It was a good Valentine's Day-- a few hearts were broken but that is only right on Valentine's Day!! You think I am cruel? No not that type of heart--I mean the ones above more photos of yummy hearts from Chocolate Pink here in Atlanta- a few of those were broken-eaten and that is just as it should be on February 14th!

I wish I could go back to Marie Antoinette's time so I could have a beautiful hand fan made or get bolts of the beautiful ribbons her dressmaker used on her gowns!! Those would be wonderful Valentine gifts! Or have a custom corset made-- she had a few of those too. The other wonderful item I would love to have is a make up pot, Sevres of course, for the dressing table. Oh I love to deam of these things and of course on this day after Valentines I wish you wonderful dreams, love and please

Have a PINK day!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Merci, merci,merci

I just discovered today that many of you dear blog readers have been making comments!! As you may know I am not the most technical person so please forgive me for not responding to your sweet comments and welcomes. Blog land is a friendly place and I love hearing from you and the helpful comments. Now that I know how to find comments I will keep up on them.

Hope everyone is having a delicious, delightful and delovely ( oops sorry Cole Porter) day! I made chocolate covered strawberries for Pink Boy--he loves them! That cute tea pot is from of all places Victoria's Secret! Many years ago they sold them at Valentine's Day time. The silver tea strainer is one of two very old ones I have--useful and pretty. They are all sitting on my Le Jacquard Francaise napkin-- I love those kitchen linens. So bon soir and

Have a PINK day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rise and shine Valentine!

What a lovely start to Valentine's Day! Breakfast in bed with my pink heart shaped plates and my Loved Disarmed silver flatware! The silver heart tea ball came from a shop in London years ago-another happy vacation memory. The bedtray is wood and decoupaged with sweet peas by my friend M.J. Toole. A little work of art.

Loved Disarmed is my favorite silver pattern- a mother and child or could be Venus and Cupid. I love when guests are dining and notice the flatware and ask," Is this a naked woman on here?" Ha

A pink peony napkin ring and a Fauchon heart box filled with chocolates!! YUM Be kind to yourself and your loved ones on this special day. Surprise them with a special treat and some quality time together. I will enjoy the day with my girls. I got them heart-shaped dog treats!

What a great start to a romantic day. Share your love and

Have a PINK day!

It is PINK Saturday ! And my homage to Marie Antoinette

Please join me in pink Saturday- this is my first time. Click on the link below or at the side to see all the participating blogs. Being a "pink" girl and having a blog revolving around pink living I had to participate. Beverly at How Sweet the Sound gets everyone together. Check out her site below

My Valentine to myself is the beautiful mask that I bought from Amada at Over the Top Studio( also a link to the right) It is my little homage to Marie Antoinette. I have placed her portrait next to this wonderful mask. I can use it next time I give a costume party! I love the little toile mask and the silk ribbons. It is just fun. And I think we all need more fun in our lives especially these last few years.
My interest in Marie Antoinette started as a child in French class and sharing the same first name -which in my area of the country was not a common name. I am just fascinated with the clothing and the court etiquette and protocols of that time. There is a huge following on blogs --many paper artists work with her images and images of Versailles.
I see her as a flawed yet likable woman who did the best she could with the situation in which she found herself . We must all remember she was so, so young when she arrived in France. I read everything I can find about her and I love the book about her by Boyer- excellent visual images that bring her world to us. She loved to ride in a sleigh in the winter it was an amusement that the nobility enjoyed.

So go on brave the snow and cold put on a pink scarf or pink gloves and

Have a PINK day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pink Valentines

Well, here is my secret! I made Valentines for some friends and didn't want to post them before now because they didn't get them before today. I love birds and I made that my theme for this Valentine's Day. Of course the Valentines are mainly pink too. Although I did make one with a purple hummingbird for someone who loves lavender .

I made the little banners that say Love is in the Air--so fitting for a bird to say!

I just spray painted the nests and the heart boxes I painted with a brush with craft paint.

More pinkness coming Saturday it is PINK Saturday ! Have a great Valentine's Day !

Have a PINK day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Valentine Fete

Amada at Over the Top Studios is having a blog party Les Liasons Del Amour Feb 12 and 13 and you can join in the fun. Go to her blog -click on link listed to the right to join the party!

The Queen would approve!

Have a PINK day!

A bit of Paris in Atlanta

My favorite shop in all of Atlanta is Nicholas Kniel Embellishments in Sandy Springs. It is a unique little bit of Paris right here in the South. If you are lucky enough to visit you need to walk very slowly around the shop-- there is much to see. He does the most amazing displays and they change frequently-a great source for ideas.

Ribbons galore!! I think about 3000 rolls vintage and new. Buttons, netting for veils, millinery fruits and feathers and flowers for hats and pins. The store is a example of the lost art of being a niche store yet meeting the needs of many.

Brides in the know love the shop.Many brides walk down aisle adorned in ribbons or trims on headpieces and even on their gowns.Creative ideas for table settings and display ideas are there too. In fact, Nicholas Kniel and Timothy Wright wrote a book on ribbons and ribbon art. The book-- Ribbon The Art of Adornment just full of most beautiful images and ideas.

This shop is a little atelier of creativity and a wonderful source for ribbons and other adornments. He carries many pink ribbons so I am happy . The ribbons are organized by color to make it easy to find what you are looking for quickly. But really stop by when you have some time to chat with Nicholas about your project. He is always willing to help.

I use many of the ribbons for package wrapping and for creating sachets or my cat wears them as a bow. Marie Antoinette would feel right at home here in this opulent little jewel box .

Nicholas Kniel 290 Hilderbrand Dr B-16 404 252- 8855
Have a PINK day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Versailles memories

One of my favorite things to do is go to Versailles. It is only about 40 minutes via Metro to the town and an easy walk to the chateau. The chateau was named after the town and it wouldn't have ever been built to such excess if King Louis XIV wasn't jealous of the chateau his finance minister built--Vaux le Vicomte. That building was so elaborate he accused Fouquet (the finance minister) of embezzling and threw him in jail. Then the king had Vaux le Vicomte 's same architect Le Vau and garden designer le Notre, and Charles Le Brun the painter build Versailles.

The chateau has over 700 rooms and took over 14 years to enlarge the existing chateau and build the version we know today. It is not only the symbol of a king it is also a symbol of absolute power and the center of control in government during the time Louis XIV ruled.

More rooms are being restored and the theatre--which I personally think is one of the most perfect rooms on earth-- just had a complete restoration and is open again for visitors.

To really see everything you need to spend 3-4 days touring the chateau and the grounds.

I love the fact that I touched a door knob that the people of Louis XIV 's court touched. It really brings history to life. The town of Versailles is very pretty and has good food and nice hotels for a short stay.

I hope you get to see the wonder of Versailles soon.

Have a PINK day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A little bit of Paris...

I don't know about you but when I walk through Paris or any pretty place and see lovely homes I wish I could peek inside. I find myself making up stories about who lives in such a house as I walk along. Just a silly fun thing to do as I meander around.

There is a lovely house in Paris that I have long admired and I took many photos of it. When I went to a showcase designer house one year an artist had painted a cabinet for use as a doll's house or storage and they looked like houses themselves.

I asked her if she copies homes from photos and she said yes. I had her make this cabinet for me and use my dream Paris house as the exterior. I think she did a great job. Last I heard of her she moved to Virginia. The detail on the cabinet is amazing--the tiles on the roof are shaded she put my pink rose topiary in and my" lucky number" is the house number.

I use it to hold all that ugly modern stereo/CD player stuff so it is useful too. What do you think did she do a good interpretation? More tomorrow on pink and my secret will soon be revealed!

Have a PINK day!

Musee d'Orsay clock

This is the flip side of the clock from yesterday's post . A view I know very well. I usually cut over from right to left bank near the clock. I go down this narrow street and see a few pocket gardens on my walk from left to right bank.

If you take a night boat ride on a batteau mouche you will pass many of the famous monuments and buildings and see the smaller version of the Statue of Liberty. The French gave ours to us and the small one is on the river.
Time does seem to slow down when you are on a boat. I like going on it at night because they use a big light to spotlight the historic things.

I hope time doesn't get away from me today--many things to do again.

Have a PINK day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm late I'm late ...

I am feeling just like the White Rabbit today- running behind all day and now it is 10:00 p.m. and I'm just sitting down for the first time.

I still have my fun secret to share with you later this week and another wonderful treat-- soon --photos of my favorite shop in all of Atlanta!!

I'm also thinking about Alice in Wonderland because the new Tim Burton movie of it will be out in another two weeks--it should be fun, fun, fun !! I love having a movie to look forward to it helps make the dreary winter days more tolerable.

So please forgive me for running late and I will leave you with a beautiful clock image. I bet you know where it is taken------ Paris. In Musee d'Orsay. At least this clock is hard to ignore everyone should be on time at the museum. Louis XVI, last king of France, loved locks and clocks and most likely would have been a locksmith has he been born into another family!!
And speaking of clocks reminds me of the current Ke$ha hit song Tic Tok a far cry from the type of dance music that was popular in France during poor LouisXVI's time!

Have a PINK day!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Time for tea

I've always loved having a tea party. As a kid I would have a tea party with my friend Cynthia and our doll and bears. We would wear hats and old fur stoles and pretty much be nerds.

I hope I have advanced some since then!

My tea cart and tea set were purchased in the early 80's and have moved from house to house and no casualties! The tall pot is for chocolate ( European tea sets usually have the chocolate pot) and the creamer and sugar are fat like the tea pot.

It is sort of a hobby for me to have tea in each city I visit. Browns Hotel in London stands out, tea at the Paris Ritz (see previous post about that location) and a lovely tea at Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, S.C. are all happy memories. I love clotted cream and lemon curd-- most places make the lemon curd too sweet but Charleston Place and Browns got that spot on.
Angelina in Paris and Le Meurice Hotel in Paris at top spots for me too. Where would you like to take tea-how about at half past 3?

When My godchild was small she loved to take tea with the Samantha (American Girls) doll I bought her. I had fun spoiling her with tiny silver tea set and pretty tea cups.
Tea could be a first date for someone and it is fun for a shower or birthday and it is a romantic thing to do almost anytime. Here in Atlanta I like tea At the Four Seasons and The Mansion on Peachtree Hotel and at Chocolate Pink.

Someday I hope to have all my girlfriends over for a tea in my garden.

Have a PINK day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This little pink piggy...

Not much time today to post- enjoy the two little pink piggies-- photo from People magazine-- they are teacup pigs. They will stay tiny topping out, at most, at 15 pounds. Aren't they adorable?

I want one. Oh if I could just win that lottery and make my little farm full of wonderful animals baby face sheep, llamas, pygmy goats , lop eared dwarf rabbits and these tea cup porcine wonders!! I could create my own perfect little farm much as Marie Antoinette did with her Hameau de la Reine -- I could tie ribbons around the sheep's necks and lead them around just like she did!!A girl can dream...
Pigs are smart and can be house trained --if you know what I mean.

More on Monday in my "normal" topics but these petite pigs were too cute not to share them. Plus, soon I will reveal my "secret" I mentioned earlier this last week. A good secret!

Have a PINK day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

My love of pink probably began with...

I really enjoy my pink lifestyle- it is something that I can do to make my life and I hope the lives of those around me, a more pleasant and unique one. I have often wondered why I am so drawn to pink and I think it may have something to do with being a major Barbie doll fanatic as a child. I remember getting my first ( the original doll) Barbie. I saved up my allowance to purchase her.

As time went by Barbie 's world became pink and then pinker and she acquired all the items for living a fun pink life. Maybe that is why I find pink so wonderful?

I collect Barbie dolls, mainly ones in pink or with red hair, and I usually only buy the Silkstone ones. The Barbie above is one I want to purchase this year. She is dressed in pink and she represents to me the beauty of the showgirl. I love the costumes and all the fun props in burlesque shows-- Folies Bergere shows are tasteful and full of sequins, sparkle , feathers, and wonderful outfits.

Did you know that Paris Folies Bergere has hosted Josephine Baker, the French writer Colette, and Charlie Chaplin on its stage--not doing burlesque but their own performances? Recently the queen of modern burlesque Miss Dita von Teese has graced their stage. She is famous for her routines especially her giant martini glass. She is a major collector of vintage clothing, corsets and now has her own line of lingerie as well.

I bet when someone mentions Folies Bergere you don't think of Manet or art but one of Manet's most famous works is titled Bar at the Folies Bergere and depicts a bar maid looking straight out from behind the bar with the audience reflected in mirror behind her.Painted in 1882 and shown at the Paris Salon it has always been a bit of an enigma--because standing at the bar you would not have that view--artistic license I guess.

And this new Showgirl Barbie also reminds me that in November of this year the movie Burlesque will open. Christina Auguilera and Cher are starring in it and I am sure it will be a visual treat and since both are singing it will be even better!! And I hope they offer a cameo to Dita- she is one woman who knows how to dress well and has made burlesque more tasteful

One more Folies Bergere fun fact before I leave you. Christian Louboutin ,of the red sole shoes, had his first job designing shoes at age 16 for Folies Bergere!! And this is sort of neat he just collaborated with Mattel and did a Fashion Barbie!!

So put on your sequins and feathers and go out and

Have a PINK day!

My petite pretties...

Oh my, the title sounds very Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz doesn't it? These are a few of my little gifts I picked up in museum gift shops in France. I love all the museums gift shops so clever and unique. When you are over there make sure to check them out. The Louvre and Versailles have the best ones.
The items above are pill box and key chain with dear Marie Antoinette on them. Some museums are closed on Mondays be sure and check on line before you plan on visiting.

I got several very unique books at the gift shop at Versailles, also pretty book marks and even a DVD tour of Versailles formatted for our TV/DVD players in USA. And I feel good about buying in those shops since it supports the museum. Some of the books are in English and some in French but the photos were so lovely that I can figure out most of the text on the French books.The Louvre gift shop is huge and really very reasonable. They sell posters and jewelry and all sorts of wonderful things.
Last time I was at the Louvre as I was leaving someone stole someting from the musuem or a shop and the guards detained about 50 visitors, plus moi, in an exit hallway for about 40 minutes. It was so funny to watch people's reactions. Some were angry, some were patient and quiet, some very curious and vocal and we never did find out what was taken or if they caught anyone. All of a sudden the guards waved us to line up for a wand scan as we left--who knows it is another French Paradox!

My blog is all better-some evil person spammed me I guess but we fixed it today.

Have a PINK day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I've got a secret....

Well I have a secret and I can't show you till next week. When I get my laptop back from repair as you know this blog has been weird for a few days. I can post but many can't read it takes you someplace else!!

This photo from Marie Antoinette movie ( Sophia Coppola version)just reminds me of secrets--mine has to do with an upcoming holiday so I can't show you anything --yet!! I love the anticipation that builds up as we wait for a special day. Stay with me and you shall know it too. There was an entire language of the fan- holding it in certain ways allowed you to speak to a gentleman friend sort of in secret! So romantic , c'est vrai!!

Have a PINK day!

I wish computers lived the pink life

So you may have had trouble getting into my blog. It is sick and is being fixed soon. I hope you will continue to read it. I messed it up when doing edits I think.No virus was detected. Poor little lap top- she will be back up soon in the meantime enjoy the photo . The photo is of my two pink almond trees growing in back garden. They are the first things to flower--they are in bloom now!
Perhaps my computer needs a vacation to Paris? I think so and I must take her there!
Have a PINK day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pink bangle bracelet

I usually don't do two posts in one day but I got these cute pink (and orange) bracelets at New York and Company--I went in looking for the great fitting jeans that they featured on Today Show last week--didn't have any in stock but they had cute jewelry. The deal was one full price and one half off. I loved both of these. They had some more pink stuff too --necklaces .

Also, right now White House/ Black Market shops have new spring items in and their feature color right now is PINK-- so I will be making a stop there soon too. There is a cute chunky pink bracelet at J. Crew that I am looking at in the catalog--looks like pink quartz. Hmm will have to drop in there too!

Pink never really goes out of fashion. I love it paired with black, or aqua, or brown or green or orange... I think I like it with any color!!

Have a PINK day!