Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just a bagatelle Madam

The Comete d'Artois built this lovely structure on a bet with his close friend and sister-in -law Marie Antoinette. In just 63 days from start to finish it was up and a perfect little jewel. It cost 2 million livres in 1778/ I bet that is about 10 million now.

When I was there last ( it is in the Bois de Boulogne) it was rose blooming time and the park was filled with roses. A very prestigious rose festival is held there also.

It is amazing to see the structure-- it was spared during the Revolution for some reason what a blessing that was!
It is one of my favorite PINK buildings so it fits in with our Pink Saturday. Please go to Beverly's blog How Sweet the Sound to visit some other wonderful blogs joining in on Pink Saturday.
Today is my 100th post time flies when you are posting about Pink Living! What fun I have had! Please check out the archives to enjoy more pink, Paris, peonies, pastries and other passions of mine.

Have a PINK day!


  1. It must have been amazing to be there during rose blooming time.
    Congrats on your 100th post!


  2. Oh that must've been so much fun, and so amazing!

    Happy Pinks!

    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  3. What great memories you have. Love the flowers! Happy Pink Saturday.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  4. Cool! Thanks for sharing!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  5. Thanks for the history, Marie! I'll bet it was breathtaking with the roses in bloom. Have a lovely week! Terri

  6. Sydney-Marie is just toooo cute! Thanks for commenting on my very first PS post.

  7. I am still making HPS rounds,probably will take till next Saturday! Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
    PS I am having a blog giveaway!
