Saturday, February 13, 2010

It is PINK Saturday ! And my homage to Marie Antoinette

Please join me in pink Saturday- this is my first time. Click on the link below or at the side to see all the participating blogs. Being a "pink" girl and having a blog revolving around pink living I had to participate. Beverly at How Sweet the Sound gets everyone together. Check out her site below

My Valentine to myself is the beautiful mask that I bought from Amada at Over the Top Studio( also a link to the right) It is my little homage to Marie Antoinette. I have placed her portrait next to this wonderful mask. I can use it next time I give a costume party! I love the little toile mask and the silk ribbons. It is just fun. And I think we all need more fun in our lives especially these last few years.
My interest in Marie Antoinette started as a child in French class and sharing the same first name -which in my area of the country was not a common name. I am just fascinated with the clothing and the court etiquette and protocols of that time. There is a huge following on blogs --many paper artists work with her images and images of Versailles.
I see her as a flawed yet likable woman who did the best she could with the situation in which she found herself . We must all remember she was so, so young when she arrived in France. I read everything I can find about her and I love the book about her by Boyer- excellent visual images that bring her world to us. She loved to ride in a sleigh in the winter it was an amusement that the nobility enjoyed.

So go on brave the snow and cold put on a pink scarf or pink gloves and

Have a PINK day!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday and A Valentine's Day!
    Lovely post.

  2. Oh enjoy! Pink Saturday is so much fun!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Pink Saturday!!

  4. I would love to do a painting of her at some stage!Very pretty!Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!:)

  5. I wish there was snow. :) Very pretty mask and interesting post. Happy PS!

  6. Hello Ms. Marie,

    The mask is beautiful. I celebrated carnival season on my blog today by posting a mask as well and wouldn't you know it, I created it with Marie Antoinette in mind. Wishing you a happy Pink Saturday and sending magical fairy wishes for a perfect Valentine's Day.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie

  7. Great mask, it is fun.
    Happy Pink Saturday
    Gail - Decorating My Tin Shack

  8. Happy Pink Valentine's Day, Marie! your mask is lovely! I love the dove over the sparkly butterfly! Such a lovely tribute!

    Have a lovely "pink" Valentine's weekend!


  9. So sorry that I missed you yesterday. It seemed like the day just ran away from me! But, with this being ♥Valentine's Day♥ what better time for me to stop by to see your Pink Saturday goodies.

    It's been a long and dark winter up here near Canada so filling myself up with pink is my way on the weekend of chasing away the blues - not that blue isn't a nice color, too☺

    Marie lost her life in such a miserable manner...sigh.

    Thanks so much for sharing. After all, isn't sharing one of life's greatest pleasures?

    ♫Happy Valentine's Day♫

  10. Very lovely - I'm a little late but Happy Pink Saturday!
