Tuesday, August 1, 2017


This is our new Maltese Poppy-Marie. 
She was born March 10th so she is almost 5 months old
We have had her since early June. 

She is very bouncy and fun, she has potty trained herself and she is a good little eater. Her first class in Puppy  Manners is coming up soon. We have been getting her used to wearing the little pink harness and leash and walking a bit.
We need to stop her from jumping on the other 2 dogs we have they are small like her but older and so do not want to be jumped on. Sydney-Marie is 13 now and too old for rough housing!

We adore this breed and Poppy is our 6th Maltese. 

She loves everyone and is healthy. She really thinks about things and makes her toys do things like stay within an area or stacks them up or pushed one while holding another in her mouth. Pretty cute what ever she does!!
Have a Pink day!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new baby - she's adorable! I love her name. Looks like it suits her.
