Monday, February 1, 2016

A Marie Antoinette project

I saw these busts of what appears to be 18th century lady or Marie Antoinette on Etsy or EBay and tried to buy one for my small Marie doll collection, but the lady only sells the pattern -so I bought it. You get an online tutorial with the pattern on how to make the face etc.
I will dress her in Pink, bien sur, she will be my little Marie.
 Another doll to put by the Marie Antoinette Pinkmas tree.
I hope I can make her I've never tried anything like this before. I will show the finished version when I get that far. It will probably take me awhile.
Have a Pink day!


  1. Hello Marie,
    I too love Marie Antoinette and have been studying her life for the last 4 years. I have a Valentine tree that I want to show you. It has M.A. all over it. I'm not sure where to send the images. Let me know. Thank you

    1. Hi Sounds lovely . Been away from my blog a few days. Did you ever get to her rooms at Versailles or her tiny farm there? It is worth the trip. Just send to my email

    2. Hi Sounds lovely . Been away from my blog a few days. Did you ever get to her rooms at Versailles or her tiny farm there? It is worth the trip. Just send to my email
