Saturday, October 4, 2014

Laduree is calling me

I am obsessed with Laduree. I love the desserts, the packaging , the store fronts, the ribbon, the window displays! 
I save all the boxes and ribbons that I get. I love their eclairs, and St Honore dessert. Pink Boy loves the salted carmel macaron and most other flavors as well. I am always missing Laduree and Paris.
Laduree is a happy place for me-- people have tea and dessert or a light lunch. I even like the ones in the department stores they are smaller but still lovely and quiet. A tea salon is a good spot to escape to from the crowded streets. 
I love that they change up packaging and desserts with the seasons. I wish we had a Laduree in Atlanta area I think it would be a hit! I will have to wait till our New York trip in December to visit Laduree. I plan on going to both locations to compare them. 
Have a Pink day!

1 comment:

  1. Omg! It's gorgeous no wonder your missing it....everything looks so beautiful and sooo yummy...

