Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reindeer games...

Look who has made a stop at my home!These elegant reindeer have decided they want to stay a bit and pull the antique child's sleigh I have in the front hall. 
Since they love their pink ribbon and glittery snow they are a perfect addition..
I have never seen such elegant reindeer --these are light maybe made of papier mache with pieces of thin curled birch and other woods. I love them.

Joining in on Pink Saturday and Show and Tell Friday:
Have a Pink day!


  1. Elegant and just beautiful they are, I'm loving those beauties ;-)
    Your home looks beautiful and festive Marie ;-)


  2. Oh I love reindeer, these are so pretty!! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  3. Oh, how truly beautiful! I love your reindeer!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas
