Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chic Paris style...

 This is Armani rest are Chanel images from Pintrest

How is it that I can see a photo even one of just part of an outfit  and know that it is Chanel or French style? There is something in the ether or some magic dust that floats around French style.  
A simple black tuxedo pant made popular for women by YSL back in the day is still chic today. The little black dress, the boxy suit jacket, braid trim, the pearls in abundance, the messy updo--all gifts of French style.
I try to soak it all in every time I visit Paris. I try not to stare too much but I note the way the scarf is tied, the length of the pant leg. Paris women have their clothing  tailored before wearing a tuck here a inch there--fit is so important.
J'adore fashion/style and I am fairly classic in my choices. Things must work together black is always "in" a chunky gold bracelet so chic always. As I prepare to travel to Paris I am leaving some room in my suitcase for a possible chic find. Vintage clothing shops are on my radar.
 Have a Pink day!

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