Thursday, April 4, 2013

Swan at Stone Gable and my swan

 Yvonne's swan at Stone Gable blog Yvonne's photo
 My swan at Pinkmas time
Swan at night

My swan obsession continues and today I read about Yvonne's swan at her blog Stone Gable. I had seen this lovely swan on her blog a few  years ago and contacted her about it-- you can read the story of her swan here:

And I  kept looking for one like hers in shops and at flea markets. One day I found it-- on EBay! I bid and won and when it arrived it arrived broken! I was heartsick. I went out to run errands and my husband glued it back together! Pink Boy is amazing at fixing things and painting etc. So we can't use her for serving but we sure can admire her. 

I believe mine is same swan only a smaller version of Yvonne's.
I think both are sort of a version of the Meissen one and of the life size repro one shown below.
This one is life sized!! How wonderful that would be!
I am thrilled to have my small swan she is about 14 x 14 inches.
Have a Pink day!


  1. I hate it, when eBay purchases arrive broken, especially, when they are old pieces that will never be produced, again. Your swan is lovely, even with the flaws (which I cannot see in the photo). Enjoy!

  2. Beautiful my friend, oh boy now I want a pretty swan ;)
    Have a great day ;)


  3. Swoon!!!! Gorgeous swan..wish I found one like yours, I would immediately buy it for my dining table; who cares, she looks perfect!!
