Thursday, February 7, 2013

Laduree hat box c'est magnifique!

To borrow a phrase from the Jabberwocky::" O frabjous day! Callooh Callay! "

A dream come true a pink, wonderful Laduree hat box arrived for me! I found out on my last visit to France that you can purchase just the empty hat boxes-- they come in lavender and pink. This one is stuffed with bath items and the new Laduree pop up book on decoration. That deserves a post by itself another day.
The pink hatbox will store precious mementos and later on sit under my Pinkmas tree. What a wonderful Valentine gift. Since our New York Laduree does not get all the non-food items and does not ship(aarrgh why not?) this treasure arrived via the Laduree in Cornhill , London. The sales team there is wonderful.and it only took 5 days to get to me from London!  I am enthralled by all the pretty pinkness.
Have a Pink day!
Enjoy Pink Saturday and Show and Tell Friday below:
Go back to older posts for even more PINKNESS


  1. Very pretty hat box. I love those, they are so
    neat. Lovely peachy pink shade of pink.

    Happy Valentine's Day,
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. How very pretty! wish Laduree would ship to more places.....enjoy your hat box!

  3. You do not see many hat boxes anymore, especially one this nice.

  4. I love getting packages like that
    Hope you have a Happy PS
