Friday, November 16, 2012

Voila I have found my weird pink plant

This most unusual plant caught my eye over 20 years ago . I saw it in a greenhouse on an estate in Ohio. I copied down the name and looked for it and no one knew anything about it. Then a few months ago I am in our local nursery Pike Nursery and there it was for sale. The blooms last about 3-5 months and it likes warm and dry conditions. I am never very good with house plants so cross your fingers that I don't kill the pretty plant. Now they are grown in CA. and the name is Medinilla. They are only in pink as far as I know.

I am not sure what plant family it comes from but I believe it comes from the Philippines . It needs a lot of bright light. I will have to research it further. I have tied my blooms up to a stick so we can enjoy them.You just never know where your quest for pinkness will lead.
Join in Pink Saturday too:
Have a Pink day!


  1. Your new plant is gorgeous! and no one could complain about a bloomm that last so long, fabulous!! Happy Pink Saturday:-)

  2. hi there
    i go to the philippines every year for 2 months at different months and sometimes travel around the islands. as far as i can tell, it is oven hot and sticky humid everywhere and all the time. unless you are in the mountains and then it is cool and humid. of course the sun is mercilously brilliant throughout generously giving a sunburn in 20 minutes. oh and there is always a typhoon lurking around the corner no matter the temperature. i rather like the weather. so regarding the pretty plant. i cannot imagine where it would grow, if it needs dryness in the air. i am going to be consciously looking for this pinkness when i go back. more pinkness to you. sarita

  3. 20 years is a long time to wait to have one! It IS beautiful, I've never seen it! I must look for it now too....thank you! gorgeous! lady

  4. Whatever it is it is very unusual and pretty. I would like having one. It would probably do well In Texas. So dry and hot.

  5. Lovely plant and just the right color PINK. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Joyce M

  6. What a beautiful plant!
    Have a happy Thanksgiving & Happy Pink Saturday too.
    xo Tami

  7. Yay I love your weird Pink Plant! lol I think she is gorgeous! Happy Pink Saturday Grace xoox

  8. Wow, I have never seen this kind of plant, so pretty.

    iHeart PINK
    Have a lovely Saturday. Come and see me when you get a chance.
