Friday, September 21, 2012

Pink bedroom bliss

Pink Saturday!
I would love to be the lucky baby that gets to sleep in the perfect pink nursery. And then when that baby grows up she can have this wonderfully pink and sunny bedroom. I love the doors opening into the room,, the canopy over the bed , this style is  lit a la Polonaise, the white bed linens just so darn pretty!
Have a Pink day!


  1. What a lovely rooms for a baby and adult!

  2. That is one fancy bedroom. I would think I had and died and gone to heaven if I had that.

  3. Oh yes, it's a pink paradise...and any young new little baby would be a little princess in that space. Thanks for sharing.

    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  4. Oh, so fancy and so Pink!

    Visiting from PS- hope you can stop by..
