Friday, September 28, 2012

Bows and moi

 Queens bedchamber at Versailles

Happy Pink Saturday

I have had a love affair with bows for as long as I can recall. I love them on belts and shoes and on presents, of course, and on headbands and even sometimes on home furnishings.
Those pearl bows shoes are the best-- wonder where I can find them? Always on the lookout for bows.
Have a Pink day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Savannah shopping trip

 La Paperie window tutu made of invitations

 Anyone know what plant this is I loved it a bushy plant about 18 inches tall

Savannah state of mind
I love visiting Savannah. I have my walks that I like to do and shops that I enjoy visiting. I love all the details on the old buildings and homes. The ironwork is wonderful and the cemetery in town is charming.
One of my favorite shops is a paper store on Whitaker St. La Paperie. They do a lot of custom work and wedding invitations. They will be helping me with holiday cards this year. I like to create my own but need them printed on pretty card stock. Their tutu in the window was very eye catching and clever.

My other top shop is No411 which is also the address, also on Whitaker St. I am having a sheet monogrammed with my MA . I am besotted with monogramming. I think it is a "Southern thing". I  love to see a monogram on linens, guest towels, silver and good quality writing paper.Another lovely shop with a helpful staff is Yves Delorme on Whitaker. It is a French linen shop.
Whitaker St is the design area for home products and custom clothing too.
So my visit was brief but productive and relaxing in the way you only feel in the rhythm of Savannah.
Have a Pink day!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pink bedroom bliss

Pink Saturday!
I would love to be the lucky baby that gets to sleep in the perfect pink nursery. And then when that baby grows up she can have this wonderfully pink and sunny bedroom. I love the doors opening into the room,, the canopy over the bed , this style is  lit a la Polonaise, the white bed linens just so darn pretty!
Have a Pink day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some things are just so French!

Some things are just so French... so Chic!
Aren't we glad they are! I am.
Have a Pink day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm 8 today!

I am 8 today and my brother Ollie sent me lovely flowers!! I blew out my candle cake and got treats to eat. I am slimming so I could not eat too many treats.
I like wearing my birthday hat! I had a fun Sydney-Marie day.
Have a Pink day!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tutu pink Pink Saturday!

Tutu wonderful!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Enjoy the pinkness while I pretend I am twirling and leaping in my beautiful pink tutu.
More pinkness:
Have a Pink day!

Beautiful details in paintings of 18th century

It is fun to see just a small portion of a painting. The attention to detail that artists of that period maintained was amazing. Even furniture was detailed and painted into scenes.of domestic happiness.
Sometimes, I find, that the little touches in a painting the ordinary everyday object is as interesting and beautiful as the person depicted.
Have a Pink day!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

More couture white for White Wednesday

Welcome to White Wednesday! Please join in the fun at Faded Charm:

I love seeing white in clothing especially in haute couture! The last dress-- a period recreation --in paper by Isabella Borchgrave! Amazing.! Even though this is White Wednesday 
Have a Pink day!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Les Adieux a la Reine or Farewell my Queen

Farewell My Queen is out now in the USA. It is from the book of same title by Chantal Thomas.
I have been waiting to see it. Atlanta does not have it in theaters locally only one showing far away about  an hour or more drive. So now I will wait for it to appear on DVD at Amazon  or Netflix.
I think I will enjoy it as it is told from the servant's point of view. I hear it alludes to a lesbian relationship but I really do not think that is a historical fact that can be documented in any clear way. But it helps sell a movie and offers something different or whispers about it.
So for me, I am still waiting to see Farewell  My Queen  If you have seen it drop me an email or a comment on what you thought!
Have a Pink day!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Eloise at The Plaza --Happy Pink Saturday!

Eloise the little girl that lives at The Plaza Hotel in New York has a very PINK life ! Look at the fun you can have visiting the Eloise shop in The Plaza . You can have tea, get your hair done, and shop in a very pink store. What fun for everyone! If you read the series of Eloise books as a child you will love to visit this special shop.  I can't wait to go and shop for some special girls on my holiday list.
I always wished I could be locked up in The Plaza some night and "have to order" from room service and get into situations like Eloise always does.
Join Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more pink posts.:
Have a Pink day!
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