Friday, July 20, 2012

Pink rococo chinoiserie

Happy Pink Saturday!
Join in with Beverly at:
Today's post is a double joy for me I love rococo furniture and objects and I LOVE PINK so this is both combined.
It is by the well known rococo artist Jean-Baptiste Pillement and was created about 1775. The influence of the East on the courts of the Western world was amazing. Western people loved to see the scenes of Asia and what to them was so foreign and exotic and, of course, beautiful. If you love this chinoiserie style click on link below to see how modern and stylish chinoiserie can be today. 
Have a Pink day!


  1. Great work by the artist. Nice visiting your post.

  2. Great post and interesting PINK!

    Visiting for PS- hope you can stop by..

  3. Love, love, love this piece! And what a wonderful tidbit of information on the history of the style. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  4. That's a beautiful piece!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
