Friday, June 29, 2012

Pink for the Fourth of July

Happy July 4 to everyone!
I am participating in Pink Saturday click on link below:
I love being an American but I am also " a little bit French in my heart" so my celebration is tinted pink with French rococo touches and a bit of pink sweetness in pink macaron for you today.  
Have a Pink day!


  1. Ohhh, I want a ceiling like that in bedroom so that when I wake up, it's the first thing I see. Such lovely pictures! Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. I just got some pink peonies today *happy dance*....and in the mail a beautiful magical book recommended to read called "Garden Spells", also a new romantic movie called "Serendipity" (I kid you not)....sooo,,,,, after I shower with my artisan luxurious soap in Lavender scent, put on some tea stained linens and aqua lace, I will sit by my pink peonies, hold "Garden Spells, watch "Serendipity" and focus on the pink in my heart LOL Will that do??? blessings!

  3. Yes I love the French connection also...

  4. Hi Marie, I love the pink 4th of July post, and especially anything French. I want one of those macarons! Happy Fourth of July and Pink Saturday too. ~Marti

  5. luving your pinks, Marie!
    and that you're Celebrating :)

  6. I too like the french. I do not know why New york is just as great as Paris. But when You see the word Paris there is something .
    Hope you have a wonderful PS

  7. Oh, but that is what being an American is mostly about, so many different roots and passions mixed into one melting pot. Happy that you shared your French heart.
    Happy pinks and happy Independence.

  8. Hi Marie--I too carry France in my heart! And my kitty :) Love the Frenchy pink pics, thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  9. Oh, that Pink is yummy! I want some:)

    Visiting for Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..
