Thursday, May 3, 2012

Peony time and peony scent from L'Occitane

                                                          The shimmer powder so girly!
Most of you know how I adore peonies. I live for the peonies opening in my garden. Sadly, this spring with the cold snap then the higher than normal temperatures has resulted in less than stellar peony bloom. Ah, such is life.
L'Occitane makes a peony scent and they just came out with a new one more subtle soft and I prefer it to the older one. The new one is aptly named Pivonine Delicate.
The packaging is so chic and pretty and I had to buy the powder that you spritz on with the pink atomiser --and it has a bit of shimmer! It will look good on tan or pale skin. So I leave you with some photos of the new peony scented items. The little tube is scent roll on on  one end and lip gloss on the other!
Those French are so clever!
Join me in Show and Tell Friday  and Pink Saturday- links below:

 Have a Pink day!


  1. Wow, that is pretty in pink if there ever was one! I also saw that you had the Miette cake book! Loved that too - especially the scalloped pages - it is just so pretty! I can't wait for my peonies to bloom - just little balls right now!

  2. Sooo pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!

    My Pink, I am also inviting you to link up with my color Connection meme.

  3. Your peony photos are so pretty. And I'll have to look for the L'Occitane scent. Sounds wonderful.

  4. I love this time of year when our stores have peonies! Unfortunately they don't grow in Southern Ca so I make sure I buy them every years. Yours are beautiful and I can't wait to try that scent. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  5. Absolutely gorgeous!

    My Pink, have a great weekend!

  6. I love all the touches of pink!

    Happy pink Saturday, Happy Derby Day and ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

    Please stop by and enter my celebrate spring/moms giveaway.

  7. Oh, I need to look for that! Peonies are so yummy!
