Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Table Top Tuesday- using what you collect

New to me inkwell very pink!

A cup ready for hot tea if it is a cold night

Take a peek at my table top for today

I'm joining in again at A Stroll Thru Life

and with Cindy at Show and Tell Friday at:

While this is not a dining table I thought I would share the top of the nightstand. I keep buying inkwells-- many are inexpensive ones or pink ones and I want to use what I collect so I try to find creative ways to use them since I do not write with pen and ink very often.

Here on the nightstand it holds my little monogram ed MA pill holder.

My nightstand always has favorite books.

Have a Pink day!


  1. Those are beautiful, Marie! What a great collection and I agree, you should show them off. A tabletop display is perfect!

  2. What a lovely post! I love pink too! Your inkwell is fabulous! I also adore the footed cup and saucer! Gorgeous vignette!

  3. Love your vignette, all your inkwells are so unique. Love the Post!
    Thanks for stopping by with your comment.

