Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Time spent with a good book and cats is never wasted

That quote is on the wall at the no-kill cat shelter where I volunteer (Good Mews) and where Miss Snowflake-Marie Mouser lived for two years until we found each other. I am besotted with her. She is so loving and cute and pink and white.
These cold January days have me spending time indoors with good books, tea and my wonderful animal family. No I was not including Pink Boy in that!
I just began reading this wonderful book about Versailles it has amazing photos and lots of trivia. Alon's Bakery in Dunwoody makes good macaron I like the rose or raspberry ones best with a spot of my Marie Antoinette tea in my monogrammed MA tea cups--such a fun little respite from a busy day! My laptop is still in hospital. Please bear with my infrequent posts.
Have a Pink day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year to you. Sorry about your computer but hopefully the break gives you time to catch up on other things. Alon's? Any treat you pick up would be perfect for afternoon tea...my favorite bakery!
