Monday, January 2, 2012

Pink dish from a dear heart and pink plates from pets

My girls Sydney-Marie, Simone Marie and Miss Moss and Snowflake got me these
My dear hearted friend in Colorado sent me this

Matching footed bowl for plated

My dear friend Becky in Colorado sends me amazing and lovely letters and cards and this year this wonderful Christmas gift of bowl and saucer. I am using it to keep jewelry in right now. I see it every morning as I get ready for the day.

"My girls" got me 9 Limoges plates in pink and gold they almost match the present from Becky!

I treasure them all and above all treasure my dear friend Becky who blesses me with her friendship, her creative spirit and her deep faith and dear heart.

Have a Pink day!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful plates and bowl! I like the fact that you are keeping the bowl in your room to enjoy it every day! What fantastic gifts!
