Friday, November 4, 2011

New and old Pinky things for Pink Saturday

Some old and some new and pink!

My wedding ring
Pink stone bien sur!

I just got some new scents to wear and they both happen to be tinted pink! We found the hat pin holder at Dupree's Antique mall by the Marietta Square.
I got the heart box years ago it holds my wedding ring ( a pink tourmaline) when I take it off.

Just some pinkness for your enjoyment
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound has more to see click below

Have a Pink day!


  1. You have some pretty pinks! I love your wedding and the pretty little case you carry it in. Lovely! HPS to you and enjoy the weekend.

  2. Happy Pink Saturday Marie Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. I simply adore your wedding ring. It is absolutely exquisite, and I love that it resides in your gorgeous heart shaped box. That is so romantic. I LOVE it.

    The hat pin holder is divine. Oh be still my little heart. It is so pretty.

    Love pink scents. Your shares are beautiful.

    Hope you have a gorgeous Pink Saturday and an exquisite weekend. Country hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry

  3. Love your wedding ring, how unique. It is my birthstone and I have one but not that big.
    Great pick on the pin holder

  4. A very lovely post indeed. I love your ring. I had a pink tourmaline at one time, but it was lost in a move. Very lovely indeed and what a nice box to hold it in.

    Hugs, LisaKay

    Belles Roses Romantiques

  5. I know this is last week's Pink Saturday post, but so pretty, I had to comment! Lovely pinks!
