Friday, September 23, 2011

Pink Saturday and Pink plants

Heather from a centerpiece sit on sideboard waiting for me to plant

Aren't these sweet pink plants lovely? Happy Pink Saturday please click here for more pink wonderfulness (is that a word?

How Sweet the Sound:

I just adore pink flowering plants. I search them out, buy from on line nurseries, ask gardeners about their pink plants. It is part of my pink living lifestyle to be surrounded by pink in just about any form.

I just got these three small potted heather plants at Trader Joe's to make an arrangment last Saturday. The nice thing is now I can go plant them in the garden. Heather plants like sun, a well drained soil and slightly acidic soil. They will look lovely mixed with other pink plantings.

Have a Pink day!


  1. So beautiful and PINK!

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Such beautiful Pink Plants! Happy Pink Sat, just dropped from the party! Have a fun weekend. FABBY

  3. Always so perfectly pink Aaaaah :*~:*~
    Have an awesome pink Saturday!


  4. Happy Pink Saturday Marie, Your pink heather plants are beautiful. I do like pink very much but I have a passion for blue flowers. Have a great weekend. Linda

  5. i adore heather! a wonderful trip to a heather garden in scotland one year is a fave memory...
    HaPpy PS!
