Monday, July 25, 2011

Tea with the birds and flowers

I love to sit and watch the birds on my frilly girl bench under the rose arbor

Purple salvia the hummingbirds and bees love it!

Old coal skuttle I think it is called

Bee skiff

New to me bird cup

Victoria Secret tea pot from about 12 years ago

My bench reminds me of the iron grill work in Paris Join Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday

And visit Wanda Lee at for Teapot and Tea Things

Terri at

I adore birds I love them outside and I love them inside. I can watch them for hours. I love to sit in the garden and hear them sing.We get many hummingbirds. These books about 2 special hummingbirds are a fun read.

The bird demi tasse cup is new to me purchased at a local vintage shop.

We are on the garden tour in September for Atlanta Audubon Society. I will post about that later it is their big fundraiser. I support the birds by creating a bird habitat in our garden.

Won't you sit a bit and join me in bird watching?
Have a Pink day!


  1. Everything is absolutely beautiful, Marie!

  2. So pretty, Marie! Hmmm...bird watching and sipping tea. Sounds like a perfectly lovely afternoon to me! I wonder if I could get these two busy little boys to sit still and be quiet for a bit? Better to drop them off at Grandma's, I think!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  3. So very pretty and relaxing, I just LOVE your girly bench! Have a great week!

  4. Oh, sweetie, your seating respite is warm & inviting. I love it! May we watch the hummers together? It is my favorite bird.

    Have a wonderful week ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Hi Marie,
    Your pinks are all so pretty! What a lovely spot to sip tea, beneath an arbor. I love hummingbirds too. I can watch them and any bird for hours too. My home is filled with birds and birdhouses. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with Tea Time and enjoy your week.


  6. Hello marie,
    I love birds, too. Would love to have humming birds here. Your tea cup is so sweet.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. I love it! Love it, love it! This is such a girly setup indeed and absolutely perfect.

    Happy Tea Tuesday!

  8. Lovely setting, the pink checks and bird cup are charming! I have bee skeps in the house and yard too~

  9. Wonderful welcoming setting!!! The perfect place to enjoy a cup of tea, catch up on reading or some writing... thanks for sharing such a lovely tea..xo HHL
    Falling Off A High Heeled Life

  10. Hi: Everything looks so beautiful. I love you rod iron seat. Beautiful! Thank you for joining Tea Cup Tuesday. Blessings, Martha

  11. Beautiful spot to sit and feel relaxed in! I love your tea cup. I have one just like it, only it has a different shape. But the birds are exactly alike! Thank you so much for sharing.
