Friday, April 8, 2011

Pink Saturday and pink gardening

Ornamental oregano see previous post but it is PINK and Greenish
My pink bench. How I wish all my blog land friends could come sit with me
Most of my garden tools are pink I do not have the trug yet.

Happy Pink Saturday !

Please join Beverly for more posts:

Of all the things I do gardening seems to give me the most enjoyment and sense of accomplishment. It is often hard, dirty work, sometimes I sneak in plants so Pink Boy doesn't see me planting more "stuff". I have actually gardened in the dark with a big flashlight on to get something in the ground quickly. Now that I am at home (not employed for money) I don't have to dig holes in the dark but I do wish I had more time with friends in my garden. Most everyone works during the day so I am on the bench alone or with one of my dogs. Or White Cat comes by and we sit together. Wishing for more time with loved ones in the garden- - I want to share my little haven of peace and beauty with as many friends as possible. You will see more of the garden and its distinct areas soon. Have a Pink day!


  1. That bench is absolutely adorable as are your pink garending tools! I love them! You lucky girl!

    Happy Pink Saturday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  2. That little bench looks like perfect place to sit after a hard days gardening.
    Happy pink Saturday

  3. Happy Pink Saturday ~ what a lovely garden bench you have AND that little bunny is adorable. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :O)

  4. With all that pink in the garden, you must have faeries! Beautiful!

  5. I also enjoy working in my yard. It would be nice sitting for a rest on your pink bench while in your garden.

  6. You are too cute! Chuckle! There are many a plant in our gardens he never knew about ... love your tools, so like mine, can't garden without pinkies to getter dun!

    Happy April PS ~
    TTFN ~

    FUN GIVEAWAY ends 4/10

  7. Hi lovely lady. I love all the Beautiful links going on right now on your Blog sweet lady. All my Rose are blooming right now in my Texas Garden. I need a Blog just for my flowers. I hope you have a Great Weekend. xxoo

  8. Lovely bench! I was just looking at your sidebar. I LOVE peonies. My grandparents would give me pink peonies every year for my birthday. I loved them.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    I am happiest when I am digging in the dirt as well. I think I should have been a farmer. I love growing and planting and grooming each and every bush in my gardens.

    I so adore this beautiful bench of yours. It is just the perfect bench for viewing a job well done. SO pretty.

    I took a pretty nasty fall last week end in my garden. I tripped over my brick border, and sent myself falling, pot in hand to the rock filled ground. I am sporting some pretty nasty bruises and moving slow this weekend. I guess it is a good thing that it rained all day today and I couldn't get out, as I am not able to bend much anyway. Your bench would be the perfect place for me, we could sit and have tea, and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. See what we could solve and create in an afternoon.

    Hope you had a glorious day sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
