Sunday, February 6, 2011

House Beautiful is all about the Power of Pink!

The Power of Pink !
Anna Weatherly pink flute edged plates top right- I love these!

Peruse the positively pink rooms!

A plethora of pink items to enhance your home

Fun articles about pinkness!

The current issue of House Beautiful is out right now and it is a PINK dream. So many items that are pink are showcased. Some pretty pink rooms are shown too and "my" Anna Weatherly pink plates that I keep dreaming about are in it also.

A friend called me to tell me about the issue and I had just purchased it. All my friends are in tune with my passion for pink.

The cover says the Power of Pink and haven't I been saying all along how pink makes us happy, pink goes with most other colors, pink calms yet refreshes and my theory of "Pink Living"-making your area/ workplace/home pretty makes for a happy life?

So treat yourself and grab the latest issue and

Have a Pink day!


  1. I know.. just say it today and grabbed it!
    Love it!
    Have a great weekend and happy PS!

  2. Love this! Did you see the Audrey Hepburn quote?

  3. I sat at the library yesterday and gobbled up this magazine. The article about pink being a grown up color & not a color to abandon after age six spoke to me. I was a kid in art class & I wanted a peice of pink construction paper. There was only a limited number of pink ones but a girl snatched the last one away from me snapping, "Pink is only for pretty girls!" As awful as this kid was for saying that it was worse of me to actually believe her. I wasn't worthy of pink. And on top of it, I started nodding my head when people would say sarcastically, "My little girl is so into Barbie pink~can't wait till she outgrows it!" My world filled with respectable blues, blacks, browns & grays. I liked them fine, but only as friends, they didn't make my heart go pitter pat.
    Then I watched Legally Blonde. And then I watched it again. And I went out and bought a pink lipstick. And I've never been the same since. I've been better! Pink is the best hands down. Anyway that's me. I love your blog! Thanks for the extra pink! :)
