Saturday, January 8, 2011

Merci Rosemarie Porzi and Pink Saturday

I bought my new and very pretty tulle tree from Rosemarie Porzi on Ebay. Her name on Ebay is: bellareddoby. She saw the tree and my other pink things on my blog and sent me this lovely pillow that she made for me!! These are the last of my holiday images for 2010. I just wanted to thank her and to show the lovely gift she sent. It was such a nice treat to open a gift out of the blue.

The pink wrapping paper was made by Paulette at La Pink Paperie link to right. I am hoping she will produce it for her on line shop Paper Nosh this coming year. I'd like to use it as my holiday wrap next year. I love everything she does!! Email her if you'd like to use it too!

So enjoy the pink posts on How Sweet the Sound blog : and these final holiday pictures I am showing today.

Have a Pink day!


  1. I'm crazy about that pillow, and it sounds like you had a Merry Pinkmas, which is something every girl should have! I didn't like pink until just a few years ago, but I'm making up for lost time now!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. How lovely! And wouldn't my senior mom AND all my daughters love that delightful pink wrapping paper. I'll have to bookmark the site. Thank you :)

  3. The pillow is just gorgeous! I'll have to check out the wrapping paper store on Etsy...thanks for sharing.

    Happy Pink New Year!

  4. Howdy
    Happy Pink Saturday :)
    Oh what sweet dreams one could have with such a gorgeous pinkmas pillow to rest upon .
    Thank you for sharing !
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  5. Your blog is so nice .Allot to look at Happy ps.Laura

  6. I am dying over that pillow!! How perfect is that?? You have a beautiful blog and I will definitely be back to visit! Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. That is the cutest pink pillow ever! Joni

  8. Happy Pink Saturday, Marie. We're expecting snow here tomorrow and Tuesday. I don't mind the snow, but I don't want anything to do with ice.

    I adore this paper. Thanks for the tip.
