Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beneath the winter snows...

Just remember in the winter far beneath the winter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love

in spring becomes the rose
I have the joy of owning a few of Georgianna Lane's photographs. These images of snow and white flowers just are beautiful beyond words. She graciously allowed me to use her art today.
Talk about magic and breathtaking beauty her work has an ethereal quality and such a unique aspect to it .
Please visit her lovely blog to see more. She also does amazing peony photography and roses
too. As long as we are having snow here I am enjoying all the snow images I can.
The song The Rose is a favorite
Have a Pink day!


  1. Good morning Marie, The flowers in the snow are gorgeous as are the lyrics of the song. You bring the hope of Spring. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Marie, That song is one of my favorites, and it is so fitting that you paired it with such beautiful images! Thanks for visiting with me!

  3. Hi Marie, I'm sorry I'm just now getting to visit – thank you so much for your really thoughtful words and for sharing my images with your readers and paired with this classic song. Wishing you a beautiful, pink week! – g
