Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saucy retro aprons...

When I am not rushed I enjoy cooking. Of course, an apron is so nice-- a pink one even nicer and a retro one so fun! Here are a few aprons I like to wear. I feel like a girly-girl chef in them!

The organdy retro one is a new purchase and at only $3.00 I couldn't pass it up! Retro one pink with hydrangeas and my Fauchon one I got in NY a few years ago before Fauchon closed.

October being breast cancer awareness month I like to wear my pink aprons when using my pink mixer and other pink kitchen appliances and utensils. My recent house guests had fun looking at my totally pink kitchen-- the male guest couldn't believe I had a pink coffee maker that made good coffee! The only appliance I do not have that I want yet is a pink immersion hand held blender. Maybe I will get one this month.

Have a PINK day!


  1. I hope your computer gets better! Beutiful apron so sassy!! Happy Pink SAturday. Grace

  2. That's a lot of your apron and I know I have a few more gray hairs thanks to my computers. Happy Pink Saturday.
