Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pink Saturday and pink is for the birds!

No, I am not saying bad things about my beloved color pink. I just got my second PINK bird feeder!! It also came from a Tuesday Morning shop and part of the money goes to breast cancer research.

I got another pink feeder last year different style one that the birds seem to love. I refill it almost daily. Hope they like this one as much!!

This just makes me so happy not only is it PINK but it helps fund finding a cure.

Happy Pink Saturday and please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound blog ( to your right) to see the list of other PINK participants today and leave comments everyone loves comments! Beverly is so kind to put all of the pink bloggers together for the PINK Saturdays.

Have a PINK day!


  1. Your birds are so very lucky to have such a cute and pink bird feeder! I love birds! They are precious little creatures.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. That is a cute pink birdhouse. My very favorite pink is your rose header. I love roses, any color. This one is breathtaking.

  3. Love the bird feeder! Breast Cancer awareness month is great, obviously because it raises awareness, but also because you can get pretty pink things and donate money at the same time!

    Happy PS,

  4. I finally took my birdfeeders down last year because more squirrels were enjoying them than the birds. I do love them though. Your pink one is really cute! Looks like it brings a nice punch of color in the garden besides just being enjoyed by the birds.

    Have a great Saturday!
