Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another home I think I would like

How I would love to live in France and here is a little mini chateau that would fit me to perfection! How I could swan around the rooms in a ballAdd Imagegown listening to Mozart and eating pastries. Of course, I would not gain any weight!
It looks like a wing of the Louvre to me maybe it is.

I would plant some of this usual pink grass out in the jardin. And I am sure I would have many pink flowers there too.

It is nice to imagine something for a few minutes it sure is cheaper stress relief than drinking or shopping!

Have a PINK day!
EEKK! My blog is doing weird stuff ! This was to post on the 21st just look down for today's post. Can't get this to move.


  1. LOVE IT! I actually have a mini chateau bookmarked for a possible stay while we are in France. This one is a bit grander. I guess I better pack my party gown ;)


  2. I could live in that chateau too. As you can tell from my name I love chateaux!Fiona

  3. Hello! Happy Pink Saturday! Making the rounds - yes! This is a marvelously lovely place and of course you'd never gain any weight!
    God Bless,
