Sunday, September 26, 2010

Into the Gloaming

There is that special time of day when day slips into night and the light is so soft and things look a bit blurry -- I love that time. In England it is referred to as the gloaming- we say dusk here but dusk doesn't capture the feel of the light.

Light fascinates me. I love to look at objects when the light seems to bounce off or splinter. Candle light is magical and I often light small votives all around the pond and in my wall sconces on the patio and just sit and enjoy the ambiance and try to figure out just where the dark takes over from the glow of the candles.

Life moves so quickly I wonder if we shouldn't sit and look at a candle flame, observe the light shifting into shadow, revel in the pink of the Paris light, soak in the grey- rainy mist of London, the glint of light on fresh snow .

Wouldn't it be nice if we could capture the light not just with a camera or a film but with our hearts and our minds forever?

Have a PINK day!


  1. Beautiful photos of light and pink petals. I'm following you now and stopping in for Pink Saturday! New to the group and enjoying all these pink blogs!

  2. What a wonderful thought. I wish we all had more time to sit and absorb more of the special and beautiful moments that life has to offer.

  3. Comme c'est romantique, ces arbres qui parsèment de leurs pétales la rue... Magique !
    And your pets, cat & dogs sont adorables avec leur petit noeud rose !
    Je t'invite chez moi, il y a Marie-Antoinette et du pink... ;-)
    Have a nice night !
