Friday, September 17, 2010

I had a pink door once...

This living pink is not a new thing for me I have done it all my life. I am all about the pretty(especially pink pretty) and I guess I always will be.

Our first home was in an older neighborhood and it was a traditional brick Cape Cod style house. It had ivy growing up it and wisteria and cute pineapple wrought iron work. It was small but well built and about 40 years old then.

One of the first things I did when we moved in was paint that front door about this shade of pink! No one else in the entire town and maybe not in entire NE of Ohio had a pink front door!

People found my house in the dark no problem. Trick or Tr eaters found me and all my new neighbors were curious about who would paint their front door pink. I loved that little house and the neighborhood was charming about one block from Lake Erie.

To this day many of my friend mention that pink door. I hope when it opened for them they felt welcomed and loved in my home. That is what living pink is all about!

Have a PINK day!


  1. What a great story. I'm sure you kept a lot of people wondering about the story of the pink door!

  2. Well, choosing the color pink for your front door is never a bad idea! After all, this is the color of love, and serenity. With that being said, it will fit any home, which is supposed to be a quiet and lovely sanctuary for every family. And how about its meaning, "I will never forget you?" It's like what you’re saying to your visitors! :)

    [Gabrielle Jeromy]

  3. I’m with you, Gabrielle. Pink shade is often associated with feelings of happiness and inner tranquility. Even though it’s very unusual, but having a pink door is quite remarkable. Remarkable, in the sense, that your neighbors or even passersby will have a positive impression on you.

    Maricela Milum
