Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Gift Wrapped Life --mine is PINK!

This fabulous gift was wrapped by Sande Chase of A Gift Wrapped Life. I adore pink and grey and throw in that Paris motif and I am hooked!

Link here:

The paper is so pretty I would not care what was inside! Sometimes I just love to wrap the gift so much I wrap it really early then I forget what it is or the sticky tag falls off and I have to rewrap it again! Duh

I always stock up on paper when I see pretty paper. Saves time when I really need to get a gift out quickly. I find that being organized and well stocked saves me time and stress later on.

Have a PINK day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way about a beautifully wrapped package. It could be empty for all I care, if is wrapped pretty. I'm so glad to find someone that feels the same way.
    You have such a beautiful blog Marie. I was thrilled to get your e-mail and I hope that you are healing well. Thank you for letting me know that you enjoy my blog. It means so much to know that.
    hugs to you...
