Monday, August 2, 2010

Birthday wishes

So many of my favorite people are Leo's as am I. Pink Boy is a Leo and two in one house makes for some interesting situations. Both of us thinking "I am the boss" and some heated discussions ensue. Passion is a Leo's middle name. We have learned to share our passions. I fish a bit, he goes to the ballet and to Paris shops and lives in a very pink- girly home.

Birthday time is approaching. Pink Boy wants more days deep sea fishing in the Gulf. I want a speedy recovery from bunion surgery that is happening right before my birthday. We don't need a thing but we all dream of wishes or fantasy objects.The old what I would do if I won the lottery mindset.

My pink living makes me happy all the time and makes for many pretty occasions and projects.

The photo is from the Chanel News site and it was the center piece of the fashion show. Chanel News is a fun web site to follow. Again, I'm dreaming those dreams of Chanel bags and the pearl cuff. Hope all my Leo readers have a fun birthday and make it pink of course.

Have a PINK day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Marie!! My husband is also a Leo and I know lots of creative Leos! I totally relate to Pink, in fact I've been called the Pink Lady when I've gone into certain stores. I love your blog! Hope you recover quickly & would like to get more info re: maltese!!
