Sunday, July 25, 2010

Visit this dreamy white shabby studio

One great thing about being a blogger- you "meet"so many creative and interesting people. I have been following Sandy's blog for awhile now. We have some common interests-she also has Maltese and loves flowers, loves pink. One thing we don't share is she is HANDY she can use tools and build stuff. I have pink tools and I can pound a nail in and use a screwdriver. I love to drill drainage holes in my flower pots- but that is the extent of my skill level.

Take a look at her blog to see the most amazing little studio she made for herself out of an old fishing shack. She was recently featured in the NY Times magazine there is a link to that article. All the photos are from her blog.

There is just something so dreamy and peaceful about this little structure-maybe the area is magical like in Rip Van Winkle--or maybe (I am sure this is it) Sandy is just so creative and clever she infused the cabin with her own magic!! Enjoy

Have a PINK day!


  1. I love this little studio!!!


  2. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my studio & blog, Marie!

    I hope you find a source for your china - have you tried Replacements?


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

  3. Such a delightful blog you have. I really enjoy your pictures - you have a good eye. =0)
