Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Meridian apartment of Marie Antoinette

Continuing with our private tour this blue boudoir known as the Meridian (since the Queen rested there mid day) is a hauntlingly beautiful room. You can only lean in and look not walk into it.

It was decorated in 1781 for her after she had a child. The mirror is old and sort of ghostly looking and this is the room where she supposedly arose from a nap and looked at herself in the mirror on the wall by the bed and didn't see her head!! I always doubted that story but after seeing the room and leaning into it for a bit it is a very odd place. None of the other private rooms evoke this feeling in me. I would not like to be in this room at night alone.

It is a beautiful space with exquisite boiserie and the shade of blue reminds me of the blue gown in recent Marie Antoinette movie that the young Queen wears above.

Some odd thoughts with this room, and for me, the feeling of strange energy in the space. But please don't let that stop you from visiting it--your take may be different than mine.

Have a PINK day!

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