Friday, July 16, 2010

I think of this as the embroidered room of Marie Antoinette

I loved this space-- loved the fabric on the walls and furniture. While it was busy it didn't seem to be too much. I loved the clock on the mantel. Everything is covered in plastic and the room is semi dark to preserve the expensive recreated silk fabrics. It was a billiard room in her time!

This was part of the private apartment tour, and I loved the bisque figurines also.

Have a PINK day!


  1. Bonjour Marie,
    Aren't all the details just delicious? I'm always reminded me of candy!
    Hope you are feeling better and having a lovely summer. It has been very hot here - your timing was parfait!
    a bientôt,

  2. Happy Pink, Marie...

    I'm loving all the eye candy photos from France.
    Come by for a visit when you are out and about in blogland.
    Have a wonderful PiNk day,
    Stephanie ♥
