Saturday, June 12, 2010

When is a window not really a window?

Happy Pink Saturday! Please go to How Sweet the Sound (link to right) to see other blogs and visit some blogs that are new to you. Pink hydrangeas on a mailbox with a white watering can. So clever and perfect for PINK Saturday.

The Douglasville, Ga. garden tour called the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival, was this past weekend. It was so fun. These windows hanging in the garden at Susanne Hudson's garden are always a joy to behold. Ms .Hudson has many little rooms/vignettes throughout the garden. I love her use of found items, and these wonderful windows that create the sense of a room in the space of an open garden. This is pink living in my book- she takes items and makes them into a knockout visual --enhancing her life with something that is so simple yet creative.

More lovely gardens will be coming on future posts. Lots of the gardens featured hydrangeas in all colors many PINK ones of course!!

Have a PINK day!


  1. I love home tours. How cute is that mailbox?! There looks to be gardening tools attached to it also. The windows are breathtaking!

    So you are off to Paris?!!! What time will you be picking me up? My bags are packed!!
    I so want to go back!

    Miss Bee's Haven

  2. That's pink living in my books too! Very nice...HP Marcia

  3. Oh, those windows are gorgeous! What a lovely place to visit. Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for sharing.


  4. Wow, I have never seen anything like that, windows in a garden, so beautiful! thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week!


  5. very clever people. Your have great pink things Laura Q

  6. I would love to see more of her garden!


  7. Love the windows in the garden. Have seen this idea before, but these windows are most beautiful. This post also catch my attention, as my maiden name is McHenry. Thank you for sharing this.

  8. What a perfectly lovely post for Pink Saturday. I hope you had a great day. Blessings...Mary
