Saturday, June 5, 2010

Le Jardin Rose...

Happy Pink Saturday! Please click on Beverly's link How Sweet the Sound to look at other pink themed blogs today.Link is to the right.

In keeping with pinkness here are a few shots of my garden of flowers blooming right now. I always look for pink plants at the garden shops and in catalogs. I have a dahlia that is getting very big and I believe it will open to a pink flower. It is the first year for me growing a dahlia.

My favorite color for roses has always been pink- especially the soft pinks. they seem to settle into the garden better and look so lovely in moonlight. We added more blush Knockout roses this year.I have New Dawn and Mortimer Sackler (also a pink climber) climbers too.

The lavender is waist high and smells so clean when you brush against it. The top is Pentas an annual, Mortimer Sackler, pink Yarrow and pink Astilbe. The last two are perennials.

Have a PINK day!


  1. Hello and a very happy Pink Saturday to you!!

    It's a very hot summerday in The Netherlands and I'm enjoying all pink posts in the garden! Love Es XX

  2. Beautful flowers!! LOVE the roses :)
    Happy Pink Saturday ! Warmest, Brenda

  3. Your garden must be so lovely! ::Jill

  4. I just love flowers; thank you for a stroll through your lovely garden!

    Happy PS!

    Do These shoes match this purse?

  5. Oh, what pretty pink flowers! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos!


  6. How lovely great flowers!! I hope you had a great weekend!
    Hugs, Lisa
