Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Float like a swan

I love this photo of a mama swan and her babies.She is paddling away and yet she looks like she just floats on that water.

Today I am going to be the mama swan- I'll take a deep breath, relax and paddle yet appear serene and in control. Many tasks to do to prepare for the trip and other projects around the house to complete.

How about you- can you be a swan ?

Have a PINK day!


  1. Bonjour Marie,
    Lovely image, and a good reminder to try and remain calm while we're paddling away! Bonne chance with the packing. WWe've had lots of rainy days the past week, but it should clear up nicely by the time you arrive - fingers crossed!

  2. Reminds me of swans I saw in an Italian garden. Centuries old.

    Nothing pink there but a totally pink experience.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  3. oh, wow! i see you like everything French and pink like me. your blog is lovely! i love this swan image, absolutely beautiful! thank you so much for stopping by and wishing me a happy birthday! you are a sweetheart! hope your having a lovely week!

    God Bless,
