Monday, April 19, 2010

Marie Antoinette doll

This lovely lady is a rendition of the last Queen of France. A very gifted artist named Rosemary made her for me in the late 1980's. I thought I would make a doll house but never did-so my petite Marie Antoinette resides in my curio cabinet where she is admired often.

As many of you readers know I love the blog Une Petite Folie by Linda Carswell. She just completed her French style doll house La Petite Maison. I am waiting anxiously to see what type of French home she will take on next!

On my next visit to Versailles I plan on seeing the queen's apartments- these are the private rooms she really lived in not the public spaces you see on the normal tour of Versailles. These rooms have been restored carefully and I believe some Americans donated money and furniture to fill the rooms. Another fun thing to dream about until I get there.

Have a PINK day!


  1. Oh this doll is just divine, the soft colors are gorgeous.

    I love your pets featured in your sidebar they look totally wonderful and cute...and all the flowers are so beautiful.
    xoxo DJ

  2. this doll is so cute, so lovely....

    corner curio cabinet
