Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm having a party

May is peony time here. I don't even like to travel in May because I might miss some of my peonies in bloom. This past winter was extrememly cold for Atlanta area and that should make my peonies bloom well this season.

In honor of my friends and of my peonies I am going to host a small fete in my garden soon. I have so much to do. I just sent out the invitations today!! I love to make food for parties. I am doing some light spring-themed food and I'll have more ideas to share with you later.

This is the pretty invitation I sent out. It is by Sarah LeClere .The actual invitation is tied to the peony stem. I had custom stamps made at U S Postal Service website. The peony on the stamp is one from my garden.

The second page holds the actual invitation-- the printer spelled peonies wrong and sent it to me upside down on email and I didn't catch the error!! Too late to redo. How I wish I had lovely handwriting or that I could do copperplate or calligraphy. I have tried and failed miserably. So everything must go to a printer.

I will keep you posted on party progress and take some photos at the fete. My big fear is that the peonies will either peak too early or not be open on May 16. It is hard to figure out when they will bloom. I have lots of PINK peony party thoughts dancing in my head!!

Have a PINK day!


  1. Everyone's having a party!
    BRAVO et merci!!!

  2. A beautiful peony invitation and love how you did matching stamps....I hope the blooming is perfectly timed.

  3. great job Marie as always.. so perfect..

    Lisa Wells
