Monday, April 26, 2010

Doorknobs can be pretty too!

I miss the crystal door knobs my former old home had. Someday I may buy a bunch and replace the ones I have. In the meantime I like to use key minders/tassels to make them pretty. After yesterday's post on the wonderful monogrammed lock at Versailles this is a pitiful comparison but the best I can do at this time money wise.

The one elephant tassel is just fun and it was pink and I love elephants-have ridden a few in my day and want to go to the elephant sanctuary in Tennessee someday and volunteer--it is a wonderful place that takes older circus and other working elephants and lets them retire with care and dignity. They have a charming book out about how one of the dogs has bonded with the female elephant Tara. Here is the link : Support them if you can. I gave the book to animal loving friends last Christmas.

Of course if I worked there I would make all the female elephants big pink bows to wear.

Have a PINK day!

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