Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A rose by David Austen is a good thing

In a previous post I showed my climbing New Dawn roses. I have several around the fence and over a few arbors. My favorite bush type roses are the Old English style roses that come from David Austen of the United Kingdom. He does so many beautiful roses in soft rose colors.You really feel like you are in an English rose garden--or an old French rose garden.

The photos above are from the most recent David Austen catalog--you can also go on line to see his catalog. I like to give roses as gifts for wedding showers, birthdays--if I know the person is a gardener. The thing I like about the Austen roses are they are hardier and more disease free and most smell divine and they are less work.
My first love will always be peonies and sweet peas but the soft velvet rose petals of these beautiful pink roses will always have a place in my garden as well as in my heart.
Have a PINK day!


  1. I'm a huge David Austin fan. I can't have a rose garden without him! I just started my rose garden in the fall, and I can't wait to find a "Heritage" and maybe some others I haven't tried!

    Your New Dawn is gorgeous - mine is just planted, I have 2 years to go!!

    Thanks for sharing ;-)


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

  2. I love the David Austen roses too! Your New Dawn is a beauty too.

  3. I can't tell you how much time I spent looking at that catalog!! Isn't it gorgeous!!!
